Saturday, June 4, 2011


What is the most dangerous kind of natural disaster?
A). Earthquake (Hello--umm, Japan and Haiti!)
B). Tornado (ever seen the movie "Twister"?)
C). Tsunami (Thailand...)
D). Lightning storm (Have you ever seen what it can do to your hair??)

The answer: none of the above. In fact, it is my pleasure to tell you that the most dangerous kind of natural disaster, according to Jordan's Completely Legitimate Although Officially Nonexistent Case Study, is a teenager. And the worst season (aside from the years of 13 to 18) for this new kind of natural disaster is during Finals. I can quote my highly esteemed Mother--"Jordan, it looks like a hurricane went through this room!" Of course, my natural response (in my head of course) is something along the lines of "how could you actually feel that way???!!??" How could anyone not understand my reasons for the carnage of papers, the mountains of textbooks, and the disarrayed piles of pens and pencils strewn all over the place--the island in the kitchen, trickling down onto the floor, the wreckage of Tornado Jordan masking the carpet in the guest bedroom, and the odd collection of notecards and notebooks that have been popping up at random intervals.... 
Clearly, there is no explanation for this trauma except for Finals. If only I could have been paid something around minimum wage for all my studying efforts--over Memorial Day weekend I was putting in at least ten hour days!! Regardless, there leaves no room to blame me for the mess that somehow materialized in every place I have studied over the past week.... 

xoxo Mom and Dad. I apologize anyways, because I'm just that happy that FINALS ARE OVER, SUMMER HAS BEGUN, and I'M LISTENING TO LADY GAGA RIGHT NOW and that makes everything okay!!!!

Have a great summer, all!! Don't forget to turn on some good pop music and dance!! 

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