Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Well-Deserved Complaint

My problem began in the middle of winter. Apparently, I was too stressed out. I mean, all I had to worry about were my grades, lots of big tests, tennis, speech and debate and therefore somehow keeping up on current events for about thirty countries of note--as I shall call them--for tournaments, friends, family, those super-scary words time management....... I believe I was so stressed out one week of school that I rewrote two essays and convinced my teacher to let me take a test a week later--at my school that is no small feat. Somewhere between writing a terrible essay on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (the second draft was better, don't worry) and everything else going on, I decided I needed to relax a bit so I could actually get something done. My mother recommended Vitamin B pills. And while they do release stress quite well,  they're disgusting.
In fact, on several occasions I have tried to convince my mother not to have me take them on the grounds that they add more stress to my life--the terror of taking the most yucky-tasting pills in the world-- than they take away. We found a solution: compromise. We now own somewhere between three and five  types of Vitamin B and they're all terrible (psht why would you ever think I hide the pill bottles where no one can find them? I would never.... well actually...).
They taste so bad that I now have a stockpile of chocolate bars. Thank you, Chocolove! Without you, I would have no cure for the yucky aftertaste of Vitamin B! However, after a while they actually work, so despite your taste and appearance, dear Vitamin B, I appreciate you.
One kind is supposed to be "chewable". NO. Don't chew them, don't swallow them, don't even look at them!! They're too scary.... They're all this revolting sort of moldy yellow/orange color that reminds me of a sort of spoiled weed's pollen packed into a pill capsule. And a lovely side effect? They all turn your pee highlighter yellow. No kidding. So, don't be embarrassed--if anyone has found a Vitamin B pill that does not taste horrible (if it's not so ugly that would help too), please comment and tell me what brand it is!!!!
And if you don't comment, you'll only add to my stress (and yes I'm allowed to use your guilt against you).....

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