Saturday, June 25, 2011

Vous aimez Paris? Un film fantastique!

Midnight in Pairs is a great movie for anyone who likes laughing, Paris, the 1920's, or Owen Wilson. It follows a writer (yep-- a blonde and rather cute writer) and his fiancée to Paris. Owen Wilson, being the curious, adventurous chap he is, gets lost one evening among the Paris streets, and soon finds himself in the company of the living luminaries of the 1920's. This movie is hilarious for anyone who has heard of such figure-heads as, for example, Ernest Hemingway or Picasso. Directed and written by Woody Allen, Rachel McAdams, Kathy Bates, and Marion Cotillard. Also, for those of you who find this interesting (I certainly did): The tour guide at the museum (if you see the movie, she's giving a tour of statues outside) is the French Prime Minister's wife. It's a great movie, and definitely take the 94 minutes one night to see it!!

This painting is A Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
After all, who doesn't want to be en Paris a minuit?

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