Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If Google says it, then it's true...

For those of you who haven't checked out Google's homepage today, check it out! (And, just in case you don't feel like typing in the website, I've included the Google doodle in this post--yes, I'm THAT nice)
Today, June 21, 2011, is the first official day of summer! Woohoo! Also, tonight's the summer solstice, so make sure to spend some time outside and enjoy the longest day of the year! For all the kids and teens out there: school's out!! And if it's not out yet, it should be, so don't worry I'm sure you'll be out soon and have a GREAT summer, even if you're still in school :P   . For all the adults out there: I have no idea if you get time off of your job! From what I've learned, summer vacation depends on one's job ect, but regardless, have fun, put your hair up, and go outside!! 
I know summer means a lot of different things to different people, but here's a list of memories and all the things that summertime means to me :)
Summer is:

  • swimming in the pool, cool water rushing over my eyes and enveloping my body
  • loose, fun time with friends
  • playing tennis 
  • traveling
  • time with family, time with friends, and time to relax, rejuvenate, and have fun
  • going to a local Jewish deli and ordering a turkey sandwich on rye, and drinking cream soda
  • taking walks at night, on my street or in the city, and walking because we want to in the smooth night air
  • lots of sunscreen, bottles and tubes and sticks and pots and lotions
  • biting into watermelon and having the sweet juice dribble down my chin and probably make a mess of my clothes
  • planning things an entire two hours in advance, and having more fun just because it was spontaneous
  • knowing there is nothing--no rule, no expectation--that implies that we should ever hold ourselves in because of a test, or a class, or a due date
  • at the beginning, an endless stretch of days so free and flexible that there is a small eternity just waiting to be molded, used, and lived
  • in the middle, the nostalgic realization that it has gone by so quickly--in a way, the summer has already lasted forever, but in a way, it has only just begun, but what if? What if the summer ends too soon? What have I done that only serves to initiate more barriers, or be too defensive which drives away sponteneity? Then, the summer becomes a new time to take chances and, hopefully, live and enjoy it to the max!!
  • at the end, we can always look back to it happily, and it stays with us for a long time--in summer tans, in natural highlights from the sun, in freckles and shorts and dresses and swim suits and the rosy glow that emerges on our cheeks, a happy reminder of fun and games and love and sun and smiles

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