Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello, Providence!

My mom and I flew into Providence, Rhode Island today. All went well--unusually smooth, actually, for a connecting flight, two checked suitcases, a massive tennis bag, and a fully-packed carry-on bag. We checked the bags, went through security--without being scanned through the humongous x-ray machine--and boarded our flight to Dulles airport. Then, we met a really nice young lady on the plane who walked us most of the way to our next flight--and saved us about fifteen minutes of direction-lacking confusion (we had to take a clever little bus that was called a "train"). After three mini delays (about ten minutes each), we finally boarded our plane to Providence! I got to practice mi espanol con una mujer de Peru, which was super-exciting because I actually helped someone and did something useful with the language, rather than asking "Donde esta el bano?"
Anyways, we got our rental car and checked into our hotel. The man at the check-in desk got terribly confused when he asked my mom's name and she gave him her middle name, which she goes by daily; it--not surprisingly--is not the same as her first name, and so after some brief mistrust and heavy-eyebrowed looks, we made it into our room. Then we bolted for the car and to an area called ____ Hill. We found this cute place to go into and requested a table. Naturally, it took ten minutes to get a table, where we were abandoned for five more minutes! I realize this isn't a dreadful amount of time, but it is if you have my metabolism and have been hungry for the better part of three hours. I devoured the bread and olive oil, which was yummy--I think--haha I ate it pretty quickly. Despite all my complaining, my mom and I were having a lovely evening. We were enjoying the yummy bread and waiting for dinner. Then she took the calm opportunity to give me a Vitamin B pill. In the middle of a restaurant! As I was waiting to eat! GRRRR. But I took it anyways. We seemed to descend into hysteria from there....
I tried to drink my water but failed.
I tried again and failed again.
Then, when our food came, my mom asked for two spoons to demonstrate for me how to correctly eat pasta with a spoon and fork (I have been having a problem lately where I only use a fork and am only able to eat pasta when I make a mess). She twisted her fork around her tagliatelle and took a perfectly twirled bite. I took my spoon, too, making sure to have it even in the correct hand as her--!!-- and got a piece of pasta with my fork. Then I realized it was bowtie pasta! Ooops. At least I Got TO watch how it's done! :) xoxo mom.
Then, we decided that I'd drive back to the hotel from dinner. My mom had found the most amazing parking spot, and parallel parked perfectly. I got into the car, expecting to have to shimmy out of there in the most embarrassing of manners as the good citizens--and tourists--of providence looked on, but I actually got out on my first try and this really cute guy driving a car yielded and let me go in front of him! He didn't even honk his horn :) I was so flattered.
So, under the watchful guide provided by the Hertz Neverlost system, I drove us back to the hotel! I didn't see a single speed limit sign, so I improvised, but I did it well, don't worry! When we were stopped at a stop light on Smith or some other Providincial road like it, I saw the most amazing sight: The Rhode Island version of Jennifer Lopez in Maid in Manhattan walked right by! She had on the perfect trench coat that was the perfect color, and a similar face, but it had short sleeves. Bummer. But it was still cool!
So now, I'm actually in the work area of the hotel posting this post to my blog--I've never blogged in a hotel before. This is so exciting!! Brown and Spain and London, here I come!
:) :) :) :)

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