Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Africa Part I

A couple of years ago, my dad's side of the family and I all went to Africa during spring break. It was TONS of fun, and an amazing experience I'll never forget and I recommend to anyone who has the opportunity to go. And, yes, it was totally worth the jet lag. 
I decided to blog about our trip to Africa in different Parts, in no particular order, and this entry is Part I, the basics. To give you a vague idea of what vacation dynamics are like in my family, I'm providing three facts:

  1.  13 of us went; my parents and I, grandparents, and two sets of aunts and uncles w/ two of my cousins in both families.
  2. to go to Africa, particularly Tanzania and Zanzibar (the two places we visited), we all had to renew our tetanus shots, get a yellow fever vaccination, take two malaria prevention pills daily, and take preventative means to not get sleeping sickness.
  3. The Serengeti's beauty, animals, landscape, and exotic habitat totally make you want to forget that angering the wrong kind of animal or being bitten by the wrong kind of insect could kill you--which, I PROMISE, is good!!
  4. (and, okay, I'm adding a number four to this list, so just pretend I never said there were only three facts I'm giving you) My family and I had so much fun on this trip, regardless of being half way across the world from our home in a country with foreign traditions and possible dangers that under no circumstances would we ever take back going there. It was one of those great adventures of a lifetime, when you go to some exotic, different place and have experiences and make memories that will last a lifetime and not be forgotten. Kudos to my family--not only for agreeing on a vacation to a place that at least the greater majority of us wanted to travel to, but for choosing such an amazing adventure: nearly two weeks of safari, travel, wild national parks, amazing animals, and so much opportunity for adventure and fun!

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