Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hurry up to be TOO LATE!!!

 "I don't always wear watches, but when I do, I wear cool ones."
           ---Yes, I said this, I am the most interesting watch-wearer in the world.
I love cool watches; not only were they the product that helped me learn the advantages of always knowing the time, but they've also given me a more unique sense of style. And, as this is especially true of water-proof watches, since you often don't end up taking them off, they tend to stay with you until you're bored of them! The above picture is a limited edition collection of TOO LATE watches, an awesome watch brand we discovered in Paia, a surf town on Maui. Finding these in a surf town means three things: the watches are "chill, dude!", they haven't been 100% commercialized yet, and they are waterproof!! It came as an extra bonus that they have awesome cases (little glass bottles with a chic label and great shape that you can reuse for countless things). Of course, the most important thing is that they come in the best colors. We purchased about five watches at that store--one for dad, one for mom, one for me, and two extras for anyone. And, if you're curious, I'm still wearing mine now as I speak (or, I suppose type), almost a year exactly since we bought it in Maui last year. Mine is the one furthest to the left, with the girl's face outlined in pink and black over a yellow band.
There are only about a billion colors for you to choose from so I won't pardon you if you claim you can't find "your color" from this selection, but I will warn you that the watches are for the most part very bright, cheery, and great conversation starters! Also, as my watch has survived a surfing lesson, innumerable showers (aren't you glad?), and half of junior year, I have viable proof that it's durable, waterproof, and virtually unbreakable. 
As we are now in Mexico, we went shopping last night and what did we find? A watch stall! As only the second vendor we'd ever met who was selling TOO LATE watches, we became very excited and came away with a new watch for mom! She got the pink one on the top left of this picture, and it is one of the most original, interesting watches I've ever seen. The entire band is a sort of brick/chain-mail pattern of rectangles, and the only thing that distinguishes the traditionally called "clockface" of the watch is a small button on the side that, when pressed, digitally lights up the time with lights that shine through the rectangular pattern. 
All of their watches are super fun, and they even make plastic belts and wallets as well. 
So if you're looking for a watch for someone who either
1. Likes to surf
2. Likes to know the time
3. Likes colors
4. Is looking for something FUN
then check out TOO LATE watches--before it's TOO LATE and everyone has them!

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