Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Blague Blog

<<Tu blagues!>>
<Non, non, c'est vrai! Je ne blague pas! J'ai un 'blog'!>>
<<Est-ce que tu promets que tu ne blagues pas?>>
<<Oui! Seulement, j'ai un blog--sans blaguer.>>
"You're kidding me!"
"No, no, it's true! I'm not jesting! I have a blog!"
"Do you promise that you're not joking again?"
"Yes! I only have a blog--no joke."

You might be wondering why I wrote this imagined dialogue, but if you speak French (or, yes, don't be ashamed... if you used to speak French), you'll know what I'm talking about. The verb blaguer--to jest, tease, or joke-- haha or in my version of French, to blog-- sounds just like the English word for a "blog".
I was sitting in French this week, when suddenly it hit me: what if I were to explain to someone in France that I have a blog??? Would they think I was telling them that I have a joke, or that I'm trying to flirt with them by teasing? Since this would be such a humiliating situation, I decided to think through exactly how this awkward convo would go, and the above dialogue is what I came up with.
And, dear reader, you are not to worry--I never lie or jest to you, although I do sometimes joke..... I hope that you understand my humor and sarcasm better than I understand my history teacher's sense of humor (hey! I'm working on it, guys)....
Anyways, this should serve as your French lesson for the day. Blaguer does not mean "to blog"; it means "to tease or kid around". And, if you so happen upon a French-speaker, perhaps you can find a better way to explain to them that a blog isn't merely a collection of jests--or at least that this one isn't!

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