Monday, September 26, 2011

Cupcake #1

C'est une petite gateau trés mignonne! Es un pastelito muy bonito! What a cute cupcake!

Since this blog is titled The Daily Cupcake, I have finally posted a picture of a cupcake. In fact, these cupcakes are so cute that they deserve praise in three languages (If anyone speaks--and can type in--any other languages, feel free to add the phrase "what a cute cupcake!" to this post in a comment). These adorable owl cupcakes are perfect for fall, and might even solve the sweet tooth problem--they're so cute you might not even want to actually eat them! If you want to bake these, their baking instructions are available on the site  . As a general rule: the cuter the cupcake, the more quickly it'll disappear from the plate, so be on your guard!!

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