Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Today I had my driving test. And guess what? I passed! And with only minor infractions to my name. So, my parents and I bolted over to the DMV as fast as possible and hurried to get in line. It was only slightly disheartening to pull the ticket numbered 57 and navigate the room, which was nearly as packed as the women's bathroom during intermission on Broadway. It is a very interesting experience to sit in the DMV and watch people talk, smile for pictures, and chatter rapidly in conspicuously foreign languages as they raced to memorize American driving laws. My favorite part, of course, was getting my license papers and smiling for my picture, which I am hoping doesn't end up looking like an unflattering mug shot. But there is a bright side. I was wearing my Snoopy shirt for the picture, and that can't get messed up no matter how much the picture lady decided she didn't like me. (In case you haven't noticed, the background image for this blog is Snoopy) :):):):):)
Another piece of good news: by getting my license today (yay!) and not tomorrow morning, I successfully have avoided one awkward experience. Tomorrow is SuperHero day at school. AKA I'm supposed to dress up as a superhero (I've had suggestions to be Posion Ivy from Batman. I'm still deciding whether to be flattered or furious). But I could envision myself, smiling up at that camera, a blue cloak billowing behind me and the bodice of a red and gold Wonder Woman leotard visible just before the picture frame cuts it off. On that note, do you think anyone is registered under the name of Wonder Woman?
Also, while we were at the DMV as I sat eating my cole slaw in a way that was an unawkard as possible I people watched. My favorite find was one of those slightly waspy and snooty businessmen getting his picture updated. Of course he had annoyingly short hair, and something either about his oversized watch or his pointy-toed shoes made me slightly angry, but he more than made up for it. Something about watching this man, who in any other situation would never even glance at the woman taking pictures, smile like a little boy at the camera as he clenched his eyes open for the flash really made my day! My dignity returning, I convinced myself not to laugh at him and instead smile at my cole slaw--and of course share it with you here.
So, in short, I had a very good day. I passed my driving test, got issued my driver's license, got my picture taken with my Snoopy shirt, saw a man smile, and, of course, had plenty of opportunities to thank my parents so very much for everything, and most of all for my car!! :) 
So, now I'm ready to hit the road! On my mark, get set, GO!

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