Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Scream, You Scream, we All Scream for...

            Do you ever have that moment when you dig out a meticulously buried tub of ice cream from the freezer and realize that the only ice cream flavor is strawberry-banana? Does your stomach sink in dread, imagining the ill-flavored calories melting on your tongue, and prompt you to remember that a hungry family member devoured your delicious rocky road ice cream weeks ago? Or have you ever found the half-pint of Double Dutch Chocolate, assembled your arsenal of two bowls, two spoons, and a small pile of napkins, only to remove the lid to see a lonely, miniscule, shriveled morsel of petrified four-month-old ice cream? Or, are you one of the unfortunate few who, on a weekly basis, wrenches open the top of your favorite cookies and cream ice cream tub just to see that your mischievous little brother poured raspberry sauce all over it and stuffed it back into the freezer just to spite you?
This has probably happened to you at least once, or if not, it will in the future.  Fortunately, just as the chilly winter months are approaching, you shall learn to avoid this problem and never be left ice-cream-less again. And don’t even try to say that ice cream isn’t good in the snowy months. It is. And since I’m sure you’re so curious, it’s especially good in the middle of a blizzard.  Honestly; when I was at a tennis tournament, we went to a Baskin Robbins in literally the middle of nowhere, sat down at the little round table, and ate our cones as we admired the heavy snow falling down around the windows. Somehow it made the ice cream taste even better. So, since we all know that our ice cream supplies shall be subject to repeated plundering as summer draws further and further away, we have to be on our best guard for opportunities to stock up and enjoy the (arguably) most summery dessert of all. Here are three dessert-savvy resources to keep you forever free from the turmoil of not having enough ice cream, and to perhaps remind you that summer will not stay away forever (Please note: because Kent Denver is such a healthy institution, I simply couldn’t resist providing some coveted variety to our calorie-conscious lunch plans).

1. Little Man Ice Cream is located on 2620 16th street in Denver (zip code 80221). It’s in the neighborhood of Highland, and—in case you can’t find it—has a building shaped like a metal ice cream jug (if, like me, you’ve never actually used many of these before, it’s a small building shaped like a round tin can with its name written on it.) The building’s cute, the ice cream is delicious, and it’s ridiculously popular. We were there on a Saturday night and the line was around the block, over 25 minutes long, and full of incredibly happy people. Proof that Little Man Ice Cream is worth the wait: of the fifty or so people who were in line for the ice cream, the only person crying or looking like he or she was impatient with the long line was a three year old girl, who was only upset because her older brother (yes, a four-year-old) got to order his ice cream before she did.
2. Dipper’s Ice Cream is a new ice cream shop on 932 Jersey Street in Denver (zip code 80220). To start, its logo is an adorable bear eating—no, it’s not Pooh slurping up a jar of honey—an ice cream cone. Don’t be surprised that bears like ice cream. From what I’ve heard they eat just about anything…. But anyways… Dipper’s has very rich, yummy ice cream that comes in many different flavors that you may have not tried before. Many of them you (hopefully) have tried—chocolate, etc.—but some other flavors are more rare and quite delicious. For example, if you like chocolate, try the Mexican Chocolate flavor—or the chocolate-cinnamon ice cream.  It’s a cute shop, so be sure to stop by with some friends and twenty minutes on your hands to hang out and have ice cream.
3. This last recommendation has little to do with ice cream. And by little I mean nothing (just to clarify). Big Fat Cupcake is in Cherry Creek, on 129 Adams Street, Denver (zip code 80206). It is a cupcake shop. It’s a cute little shop with display cases full of freshly baked cupcakes. While you all have your favorite flavors, I encourage you to try the shop’s daily cupcake or to let the owner pick one for you—do not worry, she’ll pick a good one for you to try! My favorite flavor was called Candy. Yes, I realize this needs little elaboration, but I’ll still let you know that it was a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting covered in M&M’s. It was huge—a Big, Fat cupcake, I suppose—and took me three days to finish (that includes the people I shared it with). Many of you are probably speedier cupcake eaters than I, but I challenge you to finish one of these within one sitting!
So there you have it. Now you all have no excuses to ever freak out that there is no ice cream in your freezer, because aside from the Coldstones, the Baskin Robbins, and the countless froyo shops that pop up every other week, you now know the exact locations and specialties of three superb dessert places. And a word of wisdom: only sissies don’t eat ice cream when it’s snowing out. If you get to any soon, be sure to post your responses in a comment!

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