Saturday, August 13, 2011

Glorious Pearl

Tonight, my parents, grandparents, and I went to a restaurant in San Francisco called Atelier Crenn. We had a great time, and, of course, several exciting things happened.
The list of Exciting Things, in order of appearance
Exciting Thing Number 1: the compliments. I have never gone out to dinner and received more compliments in my life. First, the hostess who seated us was very nice, and we had a five minute conversation that began with her complimenting my dress. Then, when my mom and I were in line for the bathroom (this was bathroom trip #1, because we drank so much), a waiter came by and complimented me again. "Your hair is glorious," he said. "You are glorious, also." I am so flattered! I've never been called "glorious" in my life and in honor of my new status of Glorious, I put the adjective in the title of this post. Glorious :) !!! We had another compliment, as well. When my mom and I had just finished our second bathroom trip, we were talking to this woman who had been in line as well (there is one bathroom for both men and women and so the line can build up a bit--but this is okay because everyone's nice to talk to!). She was very nice, and literally smiled the entire ten or so minutes of our conversation (I was thoroughly impressed--I've smiled that long before, and my cheeks start to get a little sore). As we learned from her, her daughter has hair like mine--I don't know if it's red--and it's curly. She told me "I love your hair! You are so pretty, you look like a mermaid!" woohoo! I was so excited. I've never actually been compared to a mermaid before. If I could've told my ten-year-old, Ariel-devoted self that I would one day be called a mermaid, I would have collapsed from euphoric shock. She even asked permission to feel my hair (this has only happened two or three times before--I was quite surprised). So, it was a glorious--no! a Glorious evening. 
Exciting Thing Number 2: bathroom panic. During one of our trips to the bathroom, my mother and I decided to go in together because we didn't want to wait in the line any more. I stood in front of the door as she went about her business, and good thing I did. Because a man opened it right up! A scream followed, along with the door being shut as quickly as humanly possible by the man, who was already starting to run, in a very panicked and skittish manner, down the hall. Instead of freaking out, my mom told me "I knew that was going to happen. (In my head, Then why didn't you tell me you couldn't lock the door?) I just can't lock the door right!" When we came out of the bathroom, he was gone. I hope he didn't get so surprised he wet himself.  Then, it was my turn. I successfully locked the door--but I made my mother stand in front of it just in case--and got to the sink without a problem. But then came the soap. It was some modern soap dispenser on the counter near the sink, so I figured it was automatic. However, no soap came out. So I decided to take the top off. Off it came, and I accidentally spilled the soap all over the counter. In a panic, I tried to scoop it with my hands into the sink. My efforts were 90% successful. Then, I put the cap back on and pretended I understood how soap bottles work. Ha. I apparently don't.
Exciting Thing Number 3: birthday! My birthday is in two days, and I didn't know it but my dad had told the restaurant. So, after we'd paid the check and finished our dinner, the waiter put another spoon by my place. Then came my birthday surprise! It was this bowl filled with ice pieces, with a beautiful large oyster in the middle with a "pearl" surrounded by sea foam filling the rest of the shell. As it turned out, the pearl was chocolate mousse, and it was delicious!! So, I got a pearl for my birthday! Yum, plus it's pretty! :) 
Then, I got to drive home. I am the designated driver--a perk to being underage!

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