Thursday, August 11, 2011

Banana Split

Yesterday, I had my first banana split. Ever! IT WAS SO GOOD!!
My mother and my grandmother and I went to Max's, in California, to have our banana split. A word of advice: Max's has the best banana splits--they're so good!
We entered the restaurant, and were seated by a waiter, who proceeded to hand us menus. Unfortunately, they weren't dessert menus. Horrified, we made him exchange our menus for dessert menus--there was NO WAY we were having food before my wonderful introduction to the deliciousness of banana splits. That might ruin our appetite! Then, we went on with our meal as we would with any other in a restaurant. We nibbled on California bread (and, yes, I have to specify that it's California bread because really there is so comparison between California bread and, well, bread from anywhere else in the world...) until the main attraction arrived. It was served in this huge glass dish, just shorter than a foot long. Beneath the fluffy, tantalizing layers of perfectly puffed whipped-cream sat three scoops of ice cream: coffee, vanilla, and strawberry. Never in my life had I tried strawberry ice cream; it was delicious. Never in my life had I not mourned the absence of chocolate ice cream; it was so yummy I didn't mind.
Each side of the oval-ish shaped dish had a half of a banana on it, and they were delicious. Clearly, this was healthy, because banana is fruit, so none of us had any scruples about our special treat. And I even convinced the waiter to substitute peanuts for candied walnuts! The three, perfectly ruby red Maraschino cherries topped it off perfectly, along with the drizzle of chocolate sauce.
The end result: I'm in love with banana splits, and I'm so glad I finally had one! Here's a challenge to all of you: before summer's over, have a banana split with family and/or friends to celebrate! And--before you even ask--celebrate anything! Because we all deserve to celebrate :)
Thank you, Mom and Grandma! xoxo

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