Saturday, December 21, 2013

Wear the Rainbow

The rainbow stairs at Uniqlo!
Famous Skittles commercials encourage viewers to "Feel the rainbow. Taste the rainbow." If Skittles knew what was in its best interest, it would certainly partner with Uniqlo, a Japanese clothing company whose motto seems to be "WEAR the rainbow--rain or shine". Uniqlo offers a fantastic array of attractive, weather-proof clothing--in every color in the rainbow (and even a few extras, just for kicks). As a new inhabitant of oh-so-weather-spoiled Chicago, I have a very personal appreciation for the wonders of Uniqlo. This San Francisco-based store (soon, possibly, to be in Denver, as well) offers warm and thin heattech clothing. For those of you who aren't quite so used to dressing comfortably and presentably in cold weather, this means that Uniqlo gives you the opportunity to be warm enough in your clothes without adding an entire foot to your body size, because the fabrics are thin and effective.
Uniqlo's heattech clothing is actually pure magic. When my mother sent me a few heattech shirts to try, I was cautious and only opened the packaging of one shirt. After ten days, during which I wore the same shirt approximately six times, I decided it was time to invest in a few more. Yes, there was even one day when I wore my heattech shirt the entire day, changed out of it to do laundry, and immediately put it back on after yanking it out of the dryer. As Uniqlo's website explains, there are seven unique properties of heattech: heat generation, heat retention, soft texture, odor control, stretchable comfort, anti-static, and non-deforming. Translated, this means that heattech shirts help your body keep the heat it generates and naturally gives off, while simultaneously generating heat from the moisture your body releases. This process ensures that your warm body gives off less odor. The fibers of heattech clothing are designed to be form fitting and comfortable to give a "second-skin" kind of feel, which helps you feel less bulky in those cold winter months.
So far, I own more heattech shirts than I would care to admit, and you will be delighted to know that heattech long sleeve t shirts, short sleeve t shirts, camisoles, tank tops, pants, socks, scarves, and turtlenecks are all currently available (and well worth it!). Uniqlo even came out with over-the-knee heattech socks. Can you imagine anything more wonderful?! Furthermore, heattech clothing come in ziplock-ish plastic packages and countless color and pattern combos. In a manner similar to that of H&M, Uniqlo has several fits and styles of clothing, and releases those forms with different, trendy patterns and colors. IE once you discover your perfect size, you can wear ANYTHING in ANY COLOR. For example, I recently purchased a long sleeve heattech t shirt in a pattern of cheery red with little blue apples all over it.
If you're looking for more diversity, Uniqlo also offers customers an array of outerwear, underwear, accessories, pants, and sweaters. Their puffy coats are deliciously warm, and since they come in more colors than Ugly, Uglier, and Ugliest, you won't feel like a fashion martyr when wearing them. Uniqlo underwear is designed to ensure that you never have lines showing through your clothes, either on top or down below. The pants selection is also impressive; Uniqlo has a skinny jeans bar extensive enough to rival independent jean bars and H&M pants selections alike. Also, I recently discovered heattech snow pants! Never had I ever seen such a thing--in purple, too.
If you, loved ones, or friends are planning on bundling up this winter, do yourself or your friends a service and stock up on some Uniqlo heattech. Not only will your body be happier this winter, but your mirror won't hate your for wearing ugly winter clothes, either!
So, whenever you're ready to wear the rainbow, check out Uniqlo here, on their website!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Hottest Chocolate Around

A few years ago, the "bar" trend caught on like wildfire. In major metropolises around the globe, entrepreneurs opened blow-out bars, brow bars, and jean bars; customers flocked to water bars, chocolate bars, and champagne-only bars. Chicago is home to many such wonders, but the Crown Jewel of them all is Mindy's Hot Chocolate, a restaurant located in the Wicker Park area and famous for its delicious desserts and heavenly-yet-sinfully good hot chocolate. Mindy's features an impressive hot chocolate-oriented bar near the entrance of the restaurant; a unique hybrid of tantalizing, luxurious, and comfortable, there is no doubt that Mindy's is on par with several other divine miracles.
The Hot Chocolate Menu
What is it, you might ask, that makes their hot chocolate just so good? As a single sojourn to this chocolate oasis will reveal to you, Mindy's magic arises from its high-quality ingredients, exotic menu, and home-made touch. Any hot chocolate consumed on Mindy's premises is made with "fancy" chocolate, AKA high quality and high concentration cacao, and, of course, lotsa love.
The menu is rather incredible. If you're feeling traditional, you can opt for a classic hot chocolate or dark hot chocolate. If you are more on the adventurous side, the menu will indulge your risk taking with any combination of caffeine and chocolate, reinventing the mocha in mesmerizing ways. Their pumpkin hot chocolate offering summons the joy of the holiday season, and the Black and Tan feature is simply incredible. Think two thirds dark chocolate hot chocolate and one third fudge. Yeah. Major Yum. I recommend sharing one unless you have a sweet tooth the size of a teddy bear; but rest assured that even shared, Black and Tan will satisfy your darkest chocolately desires in the tastiest way possible!
Mindy's also likes to stress that everything on the premises is Mindy's-made. You can purchase paper bags full of various hot chocolate powders pharmacy-style, to enjoy them in the comfort of your home. If you visit, be sure to try the homemade marshmallows--they're delicious and dangerously sugary!
In short, I highly recommend visiting Mindy's, especially in the winter; nothing warms the heart like a divine cup of cocoa :)

The marshmallow. Can you see the marshmallow!!!!??????

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mad for Hats

Ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of year again--that time when everyone, no matter how big or how small, how short or how tall is absolutely mad for hats. Perhaps it has something to do with a change in weather, or an annual revitalization of a lust for the hipster lifestyle. Regardless of cause, it's incontrovertible: hats are back for autumn and winter! If you're of the demographic with blessedly hat-friendly hair, now is the time to rejoice--and if you are on my side of things (the hat-hair side of things, that is), there is hope for you yet, I promise!

Ignore her scowl. I personally always
grin in this hat.

The Cutest Hat in Question

I bought the Net Bow Beanie hat in grey from Topshop less than a month ago, and I have yet to go a day wearing it without receiving at least three compliments (approximately eleven were received on one day). This cute, chic, and elegant beanie is comfortable, warm, and, of course, adorable! It comes in grey or black, complete with a thin-woven knit hat and a polka-dotted bow on the tippy top. I highly recommend for everything from hipster-izing a boho look to keeping your head warm on your way to a professional-attire event.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First World Problems: II

Dear Reader,

You didn't think that we were finished cataloguing first world problems yet, did you? Good! Because we're not even close.

This post has to do with first world problems involving telephones. IE if you ever feel like the saddest, most unfortunate person in the world because your iPhone has crappy service in the basement of a skyscraper, you might want to think again about the actual direness of your situation.

First World Telephone Problem 1: STOLEN!
My friend recently detailed this horrific yet ridiculous party oops of his. Can you find his error?
"Jordan, I'm so mad! I got 200 dollars and my cell phone stolen from me at a party last weekend."
"200 dollars and a phone? Ah man, that sucks! What HAPPENED?"
"Well, there was a pool at the party and I went to jump in. So I took my wallet and phone out of my pocket and put them on top of my sweatshirt. When I came back they were gone!"
"You leave your wallet and iPhone on top of a pile of clothes unguarded in a place full of strangers?"
"It was just an hour!"
"Of course it was (face-palm). "And you keep $200 cash in your wallet?"
"Yeah. Maybe I shouldn't..?"
Yeah, maybe not..

First World Telephone Problem 2: Basic Phones
The summary: you are in a foreign country and purchase a temporary, basic phone to use only for a few phone calls and text messages.
Your POV: I have the worst phone in the world! It weighs a pound, and holds battery life for two hours! The screen is so tiny that I need to turn the lights on and hold it up to my face to see it, and it literally has 15 buttons: 10 number keys, 2 symbol keys, hang up and answer, and on/off--and 0 special features.
The reality: you have a modern device that makes miraculous international calls and allows you to communicate with people on the other side of the world. You no longer live in the 1600's, when "instant" communication took one year--and a fortune--more than it does today. Congratulations. Sorry if the wrapping isn't pretty.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's Electric!

Are you one of those incredibly wise persons who whole-heartedly acknowledges that running is some exquisite form of torture? If the answer to this question is "yes", then you might be shocked to learn that I USED to be one of you--but have now joined the ranks of the Enlightened Few who have discovered how to make running fun, and as painless as possible.
My divine epiphany arrived the night of August 30th, in Downtown Denver at the Electric Run. The Electric Run is a 5K that starts at 8:30 PM, and uses 1 million Watts of sound and light energy to create an incredible 5K experience. Rockstar Energy helps sponsor the charity event, and there are tons of free energy drinks and neon cups offered to runners/walkers/joggers. The Electric Run temporarily transforms cities into run-through-able nightclubs for participants. We ran along parking lots and sidewalks downtown, and into stadiums, tunnels, and warehouses, each of which had a different musical theme booming and a unique light show experience. For example, one tunnel was lit with blue/purple lights and filled with bubble machines! Another unique lighting display was a piece of "light art" featuring umbrellas and neon lights! 
Participants dress in glow sticks--and, in our case, self-decorated tanks that we attacked with glow-in-the-dark paint--and occasionally tutus and LED-customized shirts for the run. Although I know very little about the politics and ins and outs of 5K's or any other sorts of runs, it does seem that the Electric Run is a very supportive run, complete with volunteers cheering you on at every corner, and energetic music blasting and bright lights flashing around every turn :) In other words, the Electric Run is a running dance party!
At the very end of the run, in a huge stadium, is a dance party for a few hours, complete with more DJ-ing, dancing, glow stick throwing, and merchandise-handing-out. 

In short, I definitely recommend this run to anyone who likes running, kind of likes running, kind of doesn't like running, and feels slightly apprehensive about the activity. You will all very much enjoy it! Also, in case you're not a sprinter by nature, it's so accessible to walkers that several people even pushed babies in strollers through the race! 

So next year, ladies and gentlemen. Don't forget to sign up!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Holding Your Liquor: A Blog Post in Honor of Going to College

For the young pre-collegiate and freshmen population out there, this sweet warning tale is for you.

Every day at my middle school, I would stop by one of the administrators' offices during lunch to pet his dog, Hans. Hans was the most adorable of little dogs, considering that, as an aging wiener dog, his little legs barely lifted his tummy above the ground and the mole that grew above his eyebrow looked remarkably like a black jelly bean, and, of course, he was incredibly affectionate.

One day, the dog's owner told me about how very entertaining Hans had been a few weeks before. It was the holiday season, and Hans' owner, whom I knew, and his partner, had left home for an evening to go to a party with friends. That day, they'd been given a package of chocolates that were infused with various liquors, and each chocolate had a different-colored wrapper depending on if it contained rum, whiskey, vodka, scotch, etc. Unlike most liquor-infused chocolates, however, these ones had an exceptionally high liquor content (and, I assume, the blue, green, red, etc wrappers were most certainly exceptionally pretty). 

The administrator and his partner returned home from a holiday party late that night, only to find a lovely array of blue, red, green, gold, and purple wrappers all over the floor of their living room. They exchanged a humorous and slightly doomed glance; Hans had discovered--and opened--the chocolates! Then, a few feet away tottered the culprit himself, gazing blankly around the two men in amused, disoriented circles, and spinning and walking in little circles all over the room. Hans paused for a moment and took in the dizzying sight of his owners. Then he made one more happy circle, looked at the ceiling, snorted, and plopped onto the ground. The dog happily wagged his tail at his owners and passed out. 

Apparently, 10-pound Hans didn't hold his liquor--or his chocolate--very well!

Unless you are a wiener dog or have something you would like to tell all of us, don't do this. Don't be a Hans. You can't pull off the passing out quite as well..

Monday, August 26, 2013

How to be as Distracted as Possible: A Manual

As fall comes around again and everyone's various school years, work calendars, and project schedules begin to kick into gear, one might notice skyrocketing stress levels and plummeting productivity capacities (because, let's face it, being able to beat four levels of your favorite video game in one hour isn't actually real-world productivity). These two issues are symptoms of one master illness--the catastrophically contagious, horridly hard-to-beat Distractedness Influenza. Yes, ladies and gentlemen; we are succumbing to that catching common cold-turned-virus, and this post is to help you learn how to stave it off and become less distracted than ever--without losing your creativity in the process. 
First, we must acknowledge that in order to overcome the enemy, we must first understand what the enemy is like--how it sneaks up on us, how we are vulnerable to it, and where its weaknesses lie. After all, you know what they say; if you can't beat them, join them. Thus, here is your very own manual entitled How to be as Distracted as Possible. If you follow all the advice in this post, you should turn into as distracted a person as possible within a few hours. For an insider's view into the mind of a distracted person, read on...

How to be as Distracted as Possible

Don't Ever Keep a List
If you do not keep a list, you will be able to ensure that any thought that pops into your head deserves your attention immediately, effectively stealing your mind from whatever it is doing and making you think about what you ought, or ought not, to be doing instead. No lists now means no organized plan later, guaranteeing you a disoriented period of time in which to become distracted after the completion of each and every task in your day. This pause of wasted time gives you ample opportunity for distraction after your completed activity--which, of course, was completed in a very distracted state of mind because your thoughts were jumping from item to item that it ought to remember. Furthermore, if you do not keep a list (or, heaven forbid, several..), you will most likely be able to distract yourself from one task by dropping it and jumping into another task the instant you remember to do it. For example, if you faithfully restrain from keeping any sort of list, you will begin to notice a buildup of half-finished chores, tasks, and projects. With pride, you will note a growing  accumulation of half-scrubbed dishes, partially packed suitcases, unfinished packets, and widowed shoes and socks who have found themselves suddenly missing their other halves. 

Make Sure That You Leave Things Unfinished. Alway--
Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot stress the importance of this suggestion strongly enough. So I will do my very best to boil it down for you. If you finish things, how on earth do you expect them to come haunt you from the Completed Items grave and distract you from things that you actually need to be doing?? Please don't fall into this trap. Don't ever finish anything. That way, you give every nagging to-do on your list the ability to provide you with unlimited, infinite, endless…(I shall leave this list of adjectives unfinished, for I most certainly practice what I preach) distraction! And just in case you think that you might have some difficulty finding things to not finish, here are some suggestions--just the bare bones--that you really ought to make sure you never ever finish. To join the ranks of highly distracted people out in the world, pick up these non-closure-encouraging habits. 
1). Never end or temporarily stop texting, Facebooking, gChating, IMing, Skyping, or any other kind of messaging while you are trying to get something done, much less close these windows on your computer/ phone! That way, you can enable every trivial comment, update, and status change to fully distract you from your work.
2). If you have started a task, don't see it through to the end. Be sure to always stop halfway, partway, or most of the way through. For example, if you are putting away laundry, only put away one color of shorts at a time, and be sure to take several-day-long breaks in between organizing each pile.
3). If you are close to finishing a task or achieving a goal, do whatever possible to prevent yourself from actually achieving it. You can easily practice perfecting this art by never finishing a book. Leave three pages at the end of every book that you read, making sure to keep all books out (and NEVER put away) until you finish them (which you won't). This way, not only will you sporadically wonder what actually happens at the end of all those books, but you will spot them lying on the floor/desk/chair/bed/table and immediately become distracted by your unfinished business. Magic!

Be Certain to Always be Waiting on Someone Else
If you are reliant upon someone else to think of you and work you into his or her schedule, you are sure to be constantly distracted! Not only will he or she keep you constantly guessing as to when you will receive some sort of notification or important, pressing information, but his or her potential tardiness in giving you this sort of attention will provide a perfect, torturous distraction. After all, if you are capable of controlling your own schedule and never have to wait on anyone else, how are you supposed to get all delayed and distracted? So there you go! Always be sure that the things you need must come from other people. Never be self-sufficient or capable of getting things for yourself. And if you think that it might be possible to procure your own resources, find a different method of attaining those resources that involves at least one (hopefully unreliable) other person. That way, your days and weeks and months will be chalk full of waiting, wondering, and happy futility :) . Remember that you can wait on someone else for all sorts of things--attention, a message, emotional support, or even critical information. Most importantly, however, know that you can also wait on other people to make your decisions for you, effectively securing a huge holdup in your schedule whenever crucial decisions must be made, and also putting you at the mercy of someone else's decision-making skills, despite the fact that this person might not know you quite as well as he or she thinks he or she does. This way, you can allow others to distract you as you wait for services, items, and decisions!

Never Ever Let Yourself Have Confidence in What You're Doing
Self doubt and a lack of self confidence are absolutely key for this final step. If you believe in what you're doing, it will be far too easy for you to focus and key in on what's important to you. Therefore, constantly remind yourself that this personal sense of conviction in your beliefs and values is entirely worthless and irrelevant if you desire success or happiness. Allow others to sway you from your opinions with snide comments, ridiculous insults, and irrelevant, inaccurate statements. That way, you will be easily distractible whenever you begin doing something that actually matters to you! Don't forget that you are always wrong. Thus, allow others to distract you from your original path without much resistance from you--and you'll be the single most distractible, sway-able person on the globe!

So there it is, ladies and gentlemen. I hope that you take this pieces of advice to heart to become the wonderfully distracted individuals that I know you all have the innate potential to become! Or, if this lifestyle seems slightly repulsive, or at least constrictive to you, I recommend altering (or maybe even reversing) some aspects of this free distraction consultation. But only if you need an extra little distraction from your busy schedules!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

First World Problems: I

Dear Reader,

Do you ever feel that you are plagued by what is simply the most terrible and distressing of all problems? For example, are you ever bombarded with too many Facebook messages to respond to all at once, or do you return from the grocery store only to realize that you have purchased 1% milk instead of the skim milk with added Vitamin D that you'd counted on for your daily chocolate milk?
If you ever feel this way, reader, then you have come to the right place to talk about any and all sorts of these terribly catastrophic and earth shattering FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS.

This series of blog posts will be intermittent and last for quite a while, as I can imagine that you, me, and everybody's dog most certainly has had his or her fair share of such traumatic-yet-fabulously-not-that-important challenges.

Example One: The Job Search
My friend is currently a rising junior at a prestigious business program at a very well-known university. Upon securing a highly coveted summer internship for his sophomore summer, he easily completed the internship, finding himself surprisingly unchallenged by the "challenging" itineraries created by the company. This company is one of the top three companies in its field and is internationally respected and hired by other companies. My friend, however, is slightly panicked. He has been given a job offer by this company, you see (Repeat: he has been offered a job by a company that business school grads would die to secure). But this news is more disturbing and worrisome than joyous, because my friend isn't sure if he wants to spend the rest of his life working at this company.

First World Problem in a Nutshell: my friend unintentionally over-performed at his crazy-hard-to-get summer internship, so he is now being molested by a company that is trying oh-so-hard to hire him as soon as legally possible. Poor baby. On the bright side, my friend has managed to achieve the collegiate dream of ensuring employment prospects after college!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Makeup in Mini-Minutes

Do you ever rush out the door to a busy day, only to realize that you've done something horribly embarrassing that only overly rushed people do? Such as, for example, forgetting to put blush on your other cheek, or forgetting to blend that uber-heavy eye shadow so that you look more low-key hipster and less jet lagged call girl? 

Not to worry! Jordan is here with the panacea to your problems. Here are the complete details for a flawless makeup in mini-minutes beauty routine that won't only get you looking gooooood for your day/night, but will get you looking greater than great in five minutes or fewer. 

Step One: The Face

I don't care how tan you are, or how infrequently you treat yourself to that derma-delicious crema called sunscreen. You still ought to put it on as part of your daily routine. I, however, have developed a trick that combines sunscreen and brightening cream into one step.

 Put a dime-sized amount of a thin sunscreen of high SPF (30 SPF at least, 50 SPF if you can, and higher if possible) on the top of your hand, and then squeeze out a pea-sized amount of an illuminating cream onto the same hand. I recommend a slightly runny SPF, such as Chanel's UV Essentiel, and an illuminating moisturizer, such as fresh's Twilight Freshface Glow for this heavenly combination. With your finger, mix the pearly cream into the thin sunscreen and apply generously to your entire face. Once you subtly glimmer with a healthy, fresh, and lively glow, you'll know that you've applied your sunscreen to your whole face. 

You might soon ask yourself--how did I never know that applying sunscreen feels this good--and this beautifying?? Don't forget to apply some of this mixture to the area just under your brows. 

This step should take approximately 60 to 45 seconds to complete. 

Step Two: The Lash Line

To keep the look awake, flattering, and as close to au naturel as possible, use a pen eyeliner, such as Smashbox's Limitless Liquid Liner Pen, to darken your lashline. If you wing your lashes, only wing them slightly--and there is no need to end the line all the way in the inner, kitten corners of your eyes. Don't worry if you smudge it a wee bit.

This step should take 60 seconds.

Step Two: The Color

Mint Snow,
in the stick
This is the fun part--the color, the fun, and the sparkles! I recommend using two different Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Eye Colour creamy shadows. I personally use the liners in Mint Snow (a pale, silvery blue) and Sapphire (a rich, shimmery, strong blue that can easily go very dark). Although the caviar eye sticks are called eye liners, they are not traditional eyeliners; they are in stick form, and cover more area than the strict lash line, when used. Since they are cream shadows, you have 30 seconds to blend and adjust the liner before it settles for long-lasting wear (a true godsend!).

Sapphire, in the center
 Choose the paler of your two compatible shades (Mint Snow) and swipe it along your lash line, from the inner corner of your eye until just after your base eyeliner line ends. When in doubt, add more. The color is light enough that your line can err on the side of being too large or too long, and nobody will ever notice. Immediately after, run the darker caviar shade from the middle of your lashline to the end. With your finger, blend any access dark color down into your lashes or toward the outer edge of your eye (this is when you'll appreciate the blendability of these Laura products). 

This step should take between 60 and 90 seconds

Step Three: The Lashes

To finish off your devilishly catching eyes, opt for a mascara that won't go nuts on volume, clumping, or obscene length. You simply want to give those lashes a little something extra--a bit of volume, a bit of length, and a bit of definition--to complete the look. 

This step should take approximately 45 seconds

Step Four: The Lips

Go for any lipstick that you love, as long as it's not too intense! If you're feeling creative, apply a quick layer of a shade just darker/pinker than your lips, and then apply another light layer right above it in a lipstick with a more orangey tone to the center of your lips. Press lips together, and voila!
This step should take 30 seconds

So, to add up the time needed for this wonderful Makeup in Mini-Minutes strategy...
Step One: 60 seconds    +
Step Two: 60 seconds   +
Step Three: 45 seconds +
Step Four: 30 seconds   =
Grand Total: 195 seconds (3 minutes and 15 seconds)

Enough said. Happy primping!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Yo Soy Feliz

Yo Soy Feliz is a fabulous accessories and clothing store from Italy. Sporting stores in Positano and Naples-- or Napoli, as it's named in Italian-- Yo Soy Feliz lives up to the high fashion expectations associated with Italy, Europe, and high profile destinations such as Positano. 

This store offers everything from colorful clutches, statement and fun bracelets, bold rings, and jewelry to posh scarves, multicolored clothing, and adorable wallets. Basically, it's a girl's best friend because these pieces have the unique, admirable, and universally coveted ability to complete, upgrade, and enliven anything. And by anything I mean anything ever. 

Yo Soy Feliz shopfront in Positano
If your wardrobe chronically suffers from Permanent Winter Syndrome--ie you wear sweaters with no color and pants with no color and old boots with, yes, no color (and yes, I know it, you wear these monotonous or colorless pieces under dull and dreary colorless outerwear)--Yo Soy Feliz will provide the fashionista panacea that your clothing has been begging you for for, probably, ever. If you are like me and always ensure that, if nothing else, your outfit is at least colorful (and hopefully cute and desirably happy-making), Yo Soy Feliz will dazzle you with its matte-yet-colorful options. And if you call yourself professional, serious, and mature and need an extra little something--maybe an extra little push, or mouthwateringly tempting incentive--to break out of your White House Black Market/ J Crew/ Nordstrom's comfort zone, Yo Soy Feliz can provide you with one of the world's largest collections of upbeat, perky, and colorful accessories. While statement pieces cover the shop's shelves and tables, a plethora of slightly more reserved pieces also abound in the store.
Finally, Yo Soy Feliz will definitely make you feliz before, during, and after shopping. The "before" is because the anticipation of entering the store will simply brighten your day. The "during" is because you know that you are buying wonderful things that you will use and wear for a wonderfully long, wonderfully fashionable time. The "after" is because you will always remember that you bought such wonderful things for a wonderful low price (the fashion power rings I was raving about were 3 euros each!).

One word--COLORS, ladies and gentlemen,
In case you weren't sure, "yo soy feliz" means "I am happy" in Spanish. Spanish, however, has two different verbs that both mean "to be". One such verb has a more temporary and transient meaning that is used to express emotions, readiness, and one's current location--things that are fleeting and often do not have a long duration (ex: I am excited. She is here.).  The other "to be" verb is a more permanent verb that is used to portray descriptors, such as personality attributes, occupations, and physical appearances (ex: We are tall. I am a blogger.). Therefore, if one were to follow this pattern, one would use the more transient verb to say "I am happy"because an emotion is impermanent. The phrase "yo soy feliz", however, uses the other, more permanent verb in its title. I like to think that Yo Soy Feliz knows that its customers will simply become happier people upon shopping there; and that is the extent to which you will adore this shop. 

Be sure to check out Yo Soy Feliz on Facebook by Facebook searching "Yo Soy Feliz--Abbigliamento di tendenza".  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Smoothie Time!

Now that it's officially into legitimate summertime territory, it's important for you to be up-to-date on all the best, brightest, and, of course, yummiest smoothie strategies for the season.

If you want to go classic...
For a delicious classic smoothie, there are three rules: keep it simple, keep it cold, and keep it fresh. For that delicious trademark "smoothie" taste, toss plain yogurt, orange juice, a banana, and a concoction of fresh berries (strawberries for sure, blueberries for probably, blackberries maybe, and raspberries if you're feeling adventurous) into the blender for a fail-proof smoothie success.
For a smooth twist on this classic beverage, add some fresh peaches to the mix.

If you want to pretend you're at a spa and taking the exotic route...
Who says that you have to go to a spa to feel like you're at one? Only the people in the marketing department for spas and luxury hotels. For everyone else out there, here are a few tricks to make smoothies that taste just as healthy, luxurious, pure, and delicious as gourmet spa-style smoothies. We commonly consider "spa food" to be a balanced, healthful mix of yummy and vitamin-y foods. However, in the smoothie realm, you don't have to sacrifice any taste bud approval to get that vibrant, rejuvenating, spa-like taste. In my house, we've applied this approach to breakfasttime by making smoothies with frozen cherries or cantaloupe and other melons. Frozen Bing cherries are naturally less sweet than fresh berries, but they still retain enough innate sweetness to make a delicious, vitamin-packed smoothie. For a lighter blend, opt for cantaloupe, cantaloupe and mint, or cantaloupe and strawberries to flavor your new beverage.

If you want to go tropical...
I strongly believe in the strength of willpower and mental concentration. Therefore, whenever I want something badly enough, I simply have to think about it--and think about it really hard--until I feel closer to obtaining it. This often happens with me and tropical beaches. You see, one of my first and greatest loves is the ocean and the shoreline, but living in a landlocked state tends to make it difficult to access the waters that I love so much. Thus, I've discovered several methods for pretending to be on or near the beach. And one of the most successful of these methods is entitled How to Feel Like You Are at the Beach--Through a Smoothie. Recently, I had the most delicious tropical smoothie ever. Try to think of it this way: it was a Piña Colada without the sugar overload; it was a fruity umbrella drink without the umbrella or concentrated fruit juice; it was a beach without sand, sunburn, or damp beach towels; it was a beach vacation, in a cup, without airfare, hotel prices, packing lists, or rental cars. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this tropical smoothie was a sort of heaven in a cup (and please prepare yourself, if you ever try this smoothie; I do not use the phrase "heaven in a cup" lightly; I've only ever used it to describe hot chocolate, which is easily one of the greatest foods in the entire world.). To create your own version of this delectable drink, use the classic yogurt, OJ, and banana combination as a foundation for your masterpiece. Then, add chunks of fresh watermelon slices, a few small pieces of pineapple, and some strawberries to the mix. After this, add a bit more watermelon for good measure. If you're one of those people who is a suckler for mangoes, papayas, or lychees, put some of those in as well. And when it's finished... voila! Enjoy your beach-without-a-beach!

If you pay attention to details...
Everyone knows that the best parts are always in the fine details. Therefore, be sure not to skip over these tips that can perfect your already near-perfect smoothie-slurping experience.
The glass: presentation and packaging matters--even when we say that it doesn't. Therefore, don't deprive your smoothie of the fashionable exterior that it deserves! Either opt for your favorite glassware, or go for something different--such as a wine glass, brandy glass, or margarita glass (champagne glasses don't work as well because they are too slender for hardcore smoothies). It is common knowledge that everything tastes better in a wine glass.
The accessories: smoothies don't always have to be enjoyed alone. By adding mixtures of granola, nuts, dried fruits, or whatever other treats that you'd like to your creation, you can make your smoothie appropriate to consume at any point in the day. Also, keep in mind that yogurt parfaits are nothing compared to smoothie ones :) .
The cleanup: just as a side note, remember this one gem of smoothie knowledge: if you forget to clean the blender or cup that your smoothie was in, the smoothie remains will become synonymous with glue. I promise. Therefore, always fill your various glassware and kitchen utensils with water immediately after enjoying your smoothie.

So now--enjoy!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Cartoon Controversy!

Ladies and gentlemen, you may never have thought it possible, but yes, unfortunately, Disney has fully entered a stage of cartoon controversy! It is a point of animation atrocity! Of sketching scandal!
A drawing disgrace! An immoral infamy!
We all adore and cherish the headstrong, independent, confident, and entirely-uninterested-in-romance Princess Merida, of the movie Brave. We love her for her determination and spirit, and, of course, for her red hair (shout out to all my fellow redheads). We especially love her for her refusal to conform to unfair standards and obey misleading stereotypes that she does not believe in.
Disney, however, has seemed to hold a different opinion of our favorite (and only...) redheaded, self-sufficient princess. The Princess Merida, you see, has recently undergone a true princess's finest dream: a makeover. This makeover, however, has become rather more of a nightmare than a dream in the eyes of critics, concerned mothers and female role models, and, oh, just the majority of the public around the modern world. Merida's makeover consisted of the usual: an "improvement" of her naturally lovely looks. But many of us contend that this makeover--which was entirely unnecessary in the first place--went far too far. Merida's comfortable-looking gown has been tailored; additional trimming has revealed a larger portion of Merida's previously covered décolletage. Her wild and unruly hair has now seen a very large bottle of conditioner and been tamed into a smoother sort of frenzy. And the trademark expression of blatant innocence and the knowledge that her way is best has been erased, and replaced with a dewy-eyed, longer-lashed, redder-mouthed young woman with curvy hips enhanced by a form-hugging gown. Disney relatively quietly released the new "and improved" Merida, but her debut into society incurred (in Disney's opinion) shockingly hostile results. I, personally, am simply offended by Merida's transformation. Disney has done it again--and created another young princess who is set apart by her beauty and has an outfit and countenance that appears to be designed not to encourage strong young women, but rather to encourage the eyes of men. The new Merida seems to be less, somehow, even though in Disney's world, her sultry pout, feminine dress, and captivating eyes would certainly grant her a sort of power. I just can't help thinking that the new Merida's "confidence pose" (hands on hips with a high chin) looks more flirtatious than strong.
In response to the widespread uproar over the so-called Loss of Merida, Disney has temporarily removed the new Merida and replaced her again with the old. It is unclear as to whether or not the old Merida is here to stay.
Here's a picture of the new Merida to be compared with the old, so that you can decide for yourself if you think that the new Merida is more or less empowering as a role model and standard/ ideal for young girls around the world.

I hate to say it, but the old Merida would never actually be caught dead with other princesses like these...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Lipstick Diaries

My high school has had senior theme days for the past week. For one day's theme, USA Day, my friend and I dressed as matching Wonder Women--blue star eyeshadow, red, white, and blue color schemes, patriotic stars, and all. The finishing touch to our makeup look was statement red lipstick.

In case you are wondering, red lipstick is a stellar finishing touch if you ever intend to be in a large public space that is populated by people that you know. There's something tempting, you see, about living kiss marks on as many people as possible.

My friend and I went around the school distributing kiss marks on hands and cheeks, to the point where we could walk around school the rest of the day and never worry about not being able to find someone wearing a kiss mark. And the best part? The kisses stayed on for nearly two days. Lesson learned: kiss marks are very nearly permanent. So make sure that they match your outfit, or at least are strategically located, becuase they tend to try to be there to stay.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Senior Pet Day

If you are one of the many people out there who has always desired to experience senior pet day but never had the opportunity to do so, then continue reading this post to experience it first hand.
Last Friday, my high school had senior pet day. I had looked forward to senior pet day for seven years (I still grin when I think about it!). It lived up to all my expectations.

Henry, my beautiful, handsome, smart, charming dog, was my date to senior pet day. He represented himself fabulously well; he only peed on one other dog, sniffed politely at all of my teachers, posed for adorable photos, and paid more attention than anyone else in my entire math class (he was fascinated, I believe, because he had never seen an Expo marker before). Henry even resisted the temptation of eating other dogs during math class. I can imagine the doggy thoughts running through his head as he panted and wagged his tail at the assortment of mutts, cotons, and fancy-looking scrawny lap-dogs that was my math class: "Woof. You guys are all dogs. And I am a dog. But I've eaten steaks that are bigger than you!" He heroically abstained from tasting.

Henry also conducted himself amazingly during a break period that I shared with my friends. During this period, Henry met his first-ever hamster. One friend had brought her pet hamster to school, hamster ball and all, and was introducing everyone and everyone's dog to her furry rodent friend. We squeaked "hi", and then in a stroke of genius she opened the ball to let the dogs put their noses in and sniff hello. One friend's dog gave the hamster a sniff and promptly walked away. This three-year-old dog, however, is more blissed out in social situations than either of my dogs will ever be in their lifetimes. Henry, safe to say, was not blissed out to meet the hamster. I think he thought he was being offered a serve-yourself buffet. Just in time, I cried out to my friend-- "No! Hide the hamster! Henry will eat it. It looks like a mouse, and he can eat a mouse in approximately one bite!" In a flurry of motion, the almost-dinner and almost-diner were separated, and I think that Henry is a bit bummed out that he will never know what hamster tastes like.

Henry also had a chaotic first encounter with a cat. This occurred in my Spanish class. A large conference-style wooden table is in the middle of the room, and we were all sitting around it discussing Spanish literature when I noticed Henry leaping about beneath the table. This is quite a feat, considering the fact that the space between the table and the floor is ladden with obstacles in the form of feet, gum, and table legs. Henry was still on the leash, so I gave him an amused little tug and a bit more lee way. Suddenly, Henry bounded back to the other side of the table, and I realized that he was stalking a cat! One instant later, a quivering gray cat was being smothered in love by a nervous owner. Henry began to look at me with a puzzled expression on his face--as if to say "where is my toy the cat and why did it run away?"-- but just then, another friend's dog attacked him! Henry must've landed with a paw or two on this huge dog's tail, for the dog and Henry engaged in full-on battle. Hackles rose, snarls sounded, and my friend ended up running out of the room with her dog as quickly as possible. Class was dismissed ten minutes early (a miraculous miracle caused by the dogfight), and Henry, poor thing, gave me the most mornful look with those lovely big brown eyes. Henry has never attacked anything except a chew toy in his life; the poor baby had to have his first fight on a leash halfway under the table with an irritated dog who didn't understand him.

Here is an example to help give you an idea of how friendly Henry is: A few years ago, a rabbit was trapped in our window well. My parents and I devised a contraption using boxes to help the bunny escape. Being a Labrador, Henry is a natural hunter. So he approached the escaping bunny and easily caught it in his mouth. Instead of killing it, Henry took the poor guy on a joy ride through the yard for half an hour, carefully carrying it so that it could admire his entire territory. Henry, therefore, would never start a fight.

But throughout the entire day, he did fantastic. I could not be more proud of my darling dog. I love you, Henry. Thanks for the best senior pet day ever! <3

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Here are a few songs that help get your energy up/ concentrate all that nervous energy into something that projects a semblance of control:

"Blackout", by Breathe Carolina
"Breakaway", by Kelly Clarkson
"A Thousand Miles", by Vanessa Carlton
"Homeless", by Ed Sheeran
"Imaginary", by Evanescence
"Hopeless Wanderer", by Mumford and Sons
"Sister, Mother", by Sixpence None the Richer
"Feel Again", by OneRepublic


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why X-Ray Vision is Overrated

Superpowers come in all shapes and sizes. We have X-ray vision, telekinesis, telepathy, and immortality. Some of us can fly, some of us have bendable arms and invisible powers, and some of us (including yours truly) have the infallible, uncanny ability to always discover new knots in our hair. I know that you have a superpower, too. I do not have a problem with that; in fact, I commend you for it! I do have a problem with our fascination with having the superpower dubbed "X-Ray Vision". 

Problem 1: X-Ray Vision, contrary to popular belief, would not be as interesting as everyone thinks. It's a misnomer. Do you want to see in X-Rays? Most likely, you do not; you want what should be called The Power to See Through Things/Long Distances. 

Problem 2: We all say that we want to see through things. Perhaps this is due to the societal value that we place on being able to "see through the BS" or the lies or someone's demeanor to understand what they are really communicating. And don't get me wrong; being able to cut through the crap is possibly one of the most valuable skills in the world. But ask yourself this question: do you want to see through things, or do you want to see past them? 

When we skim through pages, breeze through life, and rush through the motions of perfunctory tasks, we get things done--at the cost of not noticing so many important things out there. When we look through things, or people, or ideas, or obstacles, we sacrifice the knowledge, experience, and awareness that we would have gained by taking the time to actually see what was going on. If you are merciless with a peer who is getting on your nerves--if you decide to see through him or her--in the hopes of driving home the fact that, to you, he or she does not exist, any potential for improvement in your relationship vanishes along with the original "problem".

How powerful would it be if we had the superpower to see past obstacles, into the future of potential and realization and aspiration? If we focused on seeing everything--including the things farthest away? How many things would we do differently? How many changes would we be encouraged to make? 

I believe in having not X-Ray Vision but in having Vision. In many religions--and even in everyday idioms--seeing is associated with believing and understanding (ie "You see?"= "You understand?"). If we can see possibilities and possible outcomes, then we immediately enable ourselves to believe that those outcomes can exist--or will exist. All that's left, then, is to make it happen.

So maybe try out ditching the X-Ray Vision for real Vision. Who knows what you will find!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Shatter Me Passage

This is one of the most beautiful passages in a book that I have read in a long time. It's an excerpt from a book called Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I have not yet finished the novel, but I highly recommend it, especially if you like the following passage. 
In my English class, we are in the middle of reading To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf--and in my opinion, the quality of description is equally interesting, engaging, and unique. The narrator is describing rain. Enjoy.

[I] Feel my breath fog up the glass. Close my eyes to the sound of a soft pitter-patter rushing through the wind. Raindrops are my only reminder that clouds have a heartbeat. That I have one, too.
I always wonder about raindrops.
I wonder about how they’re always falling down, tripping over their own feet, breaking their legs and forgetting their parachutes as they tumble right out of the sky toward an uncertain end. It’s like someone is emptying their pockets over the earth and doesn’t seem to care where the contents fall, doesn’t seem to care that the raindrops burst when they hit the ground, that they shatter when they fall to the floor, that people curse the days the drops dare to tap on their doors.
I am a raindrop.
My parents emptied their pockets of me and left me to evaporate on a concrete slab.

--Shatter Me, Tahereh Mafi

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Little Riddle For You

Can you decipher the meaning of these letters?

I  C  D  B.  D  B  S  A  B  Z  Y.   U  C  D  B  Z  B  2 ?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Movie List

To help counteract the possible monotony/lack of general flair and enthusiasm that tend to accompany the post-holiday season, check out this list of movies and see if any suit your fancy. Here are a few of the best movies released at the end of last year, in case you missed any!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

To Those People Who Are Annoying

As we go about our daily lives, we inevitably come up with ways in which we categorize the people around us. We pass by our friends, favorites, acquaintances, and rivals. We acknowledge peers, coworkers, and people slightly higher or lower than us on various ladders of authority and competence. We scowl or affect innocence as we avoid those people who are annoying.

Each and every one of us has at least one person who is the Annoying in our life. This Annoying can be anyone, or multiple people. The Annoying is beyond obnoxious, more provacative than an enemy, and as agonizingly persistent in his or her infuriating nature or behavior as a mosquito that refuses to stop biting your arm. This person could be Annoying because they are always putting you down. You know who this person is, even if you don't describe your Annoying with such strong language. It's the girl who pieces together torn-up notes from class. It's the grumpy individual who forgets the task at hand but always keeps a grudge against you fresh in the mind. It's the young man who makes every single conversation awkward and pointed and has very little idea that he is doing so. It's the relative that irritatingly pursues you on Facebook. It's the insolent boy who insults the teacher and brags about feats of idiocracy to his friends.

Some people hate the Annoying in their lives. Some people brush them off and refuse to let their frustrating behavior affect their actions and opinions. Some people simply feel the urge to scream at the Annoying and unintentionally exacerbate the problem.  This in itself is a problem--because none of these reactions help us understand why the Annoying is annoying. Here's a hint: the answer is that age-old break-up line: "it's not you. It's me".

The majority of people do not share the same Annoying in their lives because every person is different, with different values, tendencies, and tolerances for ridiculous behavior. This is important because our Annoyings reflect a terribly large amount of often underappreciated truths about ourselves.

The girl who reads the torn notes is, perhaps, slightly overbearing or intrusive in your opinion. But would you feel the same way if the words that she read on those pieces of paper were not harmful, maleficent words? Clearly, the fact that you destroyed the paper in the first place demonstrates that you are not proud of something that you said or shared with someone else. Do you actually have a right to criticize another person for seeing a side of you that you are not proud of? Would it not do you more good to acknowledge that you dislike that other person only because they've identified a weakness of yours and are strong enough to let you know that your weakness needs to be fixed because it can affect other people?

The grudge holder is most likely the most infuriating person for you to deal with, because your encounter with him or her is always the same. It revolves around that one something that happened so-and-so many years ago when such-and-such set it off... Maybe that grudge is still held today because you two were not able to effectively communicate with one another, reconcile, and atone for mistakes that deserve recognition and correction. It is much easier to move on from something shameful or distressing when you know that the person in the world who most stubbornly remembers your mistake can freely forgive you for it. The only form of permission to move on that is more explicit is permission from yourself.

The list and implications goes on. There are infinite kinds of Annoyings out there. They will continue to be Annoyings until you are able to confront yourself about what exactly it is that ticks you off. Is it the lack of respect shown to someone who deserves it? Is it someone's unfailing ability to make you feel like you cannot reach their expectations, or that you have always, always done something wrong? If you take the time to ask yourself these slippery questions--and try your best to answer them, too, of course--I promise that some of your Annoyings will magically become less annoying. Understanding yourself and understanding other people are two very intertwined processes that you can embark on at the same time.

Do not allow your Annoyings to intimidate you. You have every right to ask them questions to try to help yourself understand why, exactly, they are so fantastically intolerable. After all, if their every move or comment frays your nerves and patience and sets your blood to boiling, you have every right to have them hear you out for a few minutes. If they truly are so very Annoying, they won't mind.

This is an encouragement for us to try to comprehend why we react the ways that we do to certain people. Therefore, it is logical to consider the fact that we might very well be someone else's Annoying. Try to perceive if you are annoying or bothering anybody around you. If you are, ask yourself these questions: what about my words or behavior really ticks this person off? and is there anything I can do or say to help him/her realize why this is seen as annoying. By answering these questions, you will become less annoying--both because you will understand what that other person wants or needs (or possibly really doesn't want or need), and because you might help that other person see that their annoyance with you is more a reflection of something he or she can improve, rather than an obnoxious defect that you can't help but express.

So, To Those People Who Are Annoying,
I personally am taking a very mature step and trying my best to forgive you for annoying me. And to thank you for teaching me things about myself that I never would have imagined existed if you had not become a temporary thorn in my side. I hope that I have enough tenacity and patience to continue with this endeavor in the future.
the frustrated, angered, and annoyed girl at her computer.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Heartsong, or Mindsong?

I've never been one of those people who can't sing along with a song without ever thinking of the words spewing from my mouth. If any of you experience this same behavioral quirk, then you probably know what it's like to be belting a song at the top of your lungs, only to realize that those wonderful notes that just came from your vocal chords projected surprisingly offensive, inappropriate, sad, or beautiful words to the ears of anyone near you.
On that note, here are some songs that you might enjoy listening to if you like listening to and interpreting music--or would like to try your hand at it. Some songs are simply delightful and adorable, and others, as you either already or soon will realize, are, shockingly, not.

Dance in the Dark, by Lady Gaga
Gaga has grown herself quite a reputation for drama and flair--but remember this: despite her image and rep, she is startlingly perceptive, sensitive, and understanding. If you listen to this song and keep in mind historical figures such as Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana, you'll get much more emotionally and intellectually from this song than you would just listening to her suave beats. Does the song remind you of social pressures, body image, self-confidence, and the importance of constant love? Anything else, perhaps? It's a shame that this song isn't as well known as some of her others.
Here are some hints:
The first line: "Some girls won't dance to the beat of the track. She won't walk away but she won't look back."
Another line, later: "I'll never let you fall apart; together we'll dance in the dark."

The A Team, by Ed Sheeran
This is quite easily one of the saddest songs that has become famous last year. The "A Team" refers to the term "Class A Drugs," which, in the UK, includes cocaine and morphine, among many others. I won't interpret this song for you, but the combination of Ed Sheeran's poetic lyrics, crisp voice, and the soul of the song--including the connotations of its lyrics and title-- definitely leave the listener with very much to think about. As can be understood from the lyrics or seen from the music video (which I do not recommend watching before you've given the song many good listens), this song tells the story of a girl--or a girl who is the face of many girls... Warning: this song is VERY sad. Don't listen to it if you're upset.
Lyrics to keep an ear open for: "And they say she's on the Class A Team--stuck in a daydream--been this way since eighteen. But lately, her face seems slowly sinking--wasting--crumbling like pastries, and they scream 'the worst things in life come free to us 'cuz we're just under the upper hand..."
"An angel will die, covered in white."

If My Heart Was a House, by Owl City
The message of this song, in a nutshell (or a lyric, more like): "If my heart was a house you'd be home." It doesn't get sweeter than that, ladies and gentlemen.

So just keep an ear open next time a quality song is on the radio. It become dull to listen to twenty variations of lyrics all about dancing, sex, and old boy- or girlfriends. Do yourself a favor and change it up a bit and listen to these, or any other songs to which you haven't given their due ear-time. Other quality lyric-writers include Mumford and Sons, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queen, and Linkin Park.