Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First World Problems: II

Dear Reader,

You didn't think that we were finished cataloguing first world problems yet, did you? Good! Because we're not even close.

This post has to do with first world problems involving telephones. IE if you ever feel like the saddest, most unfortunate person in the world because your iPhone has crappy service in the basement of a skyscraper, you might want to think again about the actual direness of your situation.

First World Telephone Problem 1: STOLEN!
My friend recently detailed this horrific yet ridiculous party oops of his. Can you find his error?
"Jordan, I'm so mad! I got 200 dollars and my cell phone stolen from me at a party last weekend."
"200 dollars and a phone? Ah man, that sucks! What HAPPENED?"
"Well, there was a pool at the party and I went to jump in. So I took my wallet and phone out of my pocket and put them on top of my sweatshirt. When I came back they were gone!"
"You leave your wallet and iPhone on top of a pile of clothes unguarded in a place full of strangers?"
"It was just an hour!"
"Of course it was (face-palm). "And you keep $200 cash in your wallet?"
"Yeah. Maybe I shouldn't..?"
Yeah, maybe not..

First World Telephone Problem 2: Basic Phones
The summary: you are in a foreign country and purchase a temporary, basic phone to use only for a few phone calls and text messages.
Your POV: I have the worst phone in the world! It weighs a pound, and holds battery life for two hours! The screen is so tiny that I need to turn the lights on and hold it up to my face to see it, and it literally has 15 buttons: 10 number keys, 2 symbol keys, hang up and answer, and on/off--and 0 special features.
The reality: you have a modern device that makes miraculous international calls and allows you to communicate with people on the other side of the world. You no longer live in the 1600's, when "instant" communication took one year--and a fortune--more than it does today. Congratulations. Sorry if the wrapping isn't pretty.

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