Friday, May 3, 2013

Lipstick Diaries

My high school has had senior theme days for the past week. For one day's theme, USA Day, my friend and I dressed as matching Wonder Women--blue star eyeshadow, red, white, and blue color schemes, patriotic stars, and all. The finishing touch to our makeup look was statement red lipstick.

In case you are wondering, red lipstick is a stellar finishing touch if you ever intend to be in a large public space that is populated by people that you know. There's something tempting, you see, about living kiss marks on as many people as possible.

My friend and I went around the school distributing kiss marks on hands and cheeks, to the point where we could walk around school the rest of the day and never worry about not being able to find someone wearing a kiss mark. And the best part? The kisses stayed on for nearly two days. Lesson learned: kiss marks are very nearly permanent. So make sure that they match your outfit, or at least are strategically located, becuase they tend to try to be there to stay.

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