Sunday, August 25, 2013

First World Problems: I

Dear Reader,

Do you ever feel that you are plagued by what is simply the most terrible and distressing of all problems? For example, are you ever bombarded with too many Facebook messages to respond to all at once, or do you return from the grocery store only to realize that you have purchased 1% milk instead of the skim milk with added Vitamin D that you'd counted on for your daily chocolate milk?
If you ever feel this way, reader, then you have come to the right place to talk about any and all sorts of these terribly catastrophic and earth shattering FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS.

This series of blog posts will be intermittent and last for quite a while, as I can imagine that you, me, and everybody's dog most certainly has had his or her fair share of such traumatic-yet-fabulously-not-that-important challenges.

Example One: The Job Search
My friend is currently a rising junior at a prestigious business program at a very well-known university. Upon securing a highly coveted summer internship for his sophomore summer, he easily completed the internship, finding himself surprisingly unchallenged by the "challenging" itineraries created by the company. This company is one of the top three companies in its field and is internationally respected and hired by other companies. My friend, however, is slightly panicked. He has been given a job offer by this company, you see (Repeat: he has been offered a job by a company that business school grads would die to secure). But this news is more disturbing and worrisome than joyous, because my friend isn't sure if he wants to spend the rest of his life working at this company.

First World Problem in a Nutshell: my friend unintentionally over-performed at his crazy-hard-to-get summer internship, so he is now being molested by a company that is trying oh-so-hard to hire him as soon as legally possible. Poor baby. On the bright side, my friend has managed to achieve the collegiate dream of ensuring employment prospects after college!

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