Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kin Hubbard

Many of you probably haven't heard of Kin Hubbard. I hadn't, either, until a few hours ago. He was a cartoonist and journalist, known for his political cartoons, views, and humor. Even though he was born (GASP!) in the 19th century--1868, to be exact, which I really think is quite impressive--and his works were completed many decades ago, his humor and sense of things still holds true. Here are a few quotes of his that might make you laugh, or smile, or perhaps think of something in a different way. And some of them might make you think "Have I ever done that? Oh, why yes I have, how embarrassing... but yes, I'll probably do it again!"  Enjoy!

Being an optimist after you've got everything you want doesn't count.

Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.

Live so that you can at least get the benefit of the doubt.

No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.

The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you.

There's no secret about success. Did you ever know a successful man who didn't tell you about it?

Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while.

A cartoon of his...

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