Monday, October 10, 2011

The Consejos (advice) of Snacks

With school getting into the full swing of things, it's getting to be that time of year when we're rushed for time, crammed with work, and more than a little stressed out. Aside from the obvious advice of "Don't worry!", I have another little piece of advice for you: in the two and a half extra minutes a day it'll take you, make sure that you get snacks that are healthy and taste yummy. I consider myself a pro in terms of snacks because I'm one of those people who eats three meals a day, drinks a billion glasses of water, and eats upward of three snacks daily. So... Here are some snack ideas that'll do three amazing things: satisfy your sweet tooth/ salt tooth (is there such a thing?), help you keep your blood sugar fairly level so you'll be more productive and less stressed out, and provide a healthy supplement to your meals!

If you like fruit:
A banana

  • yogurt
  • OJ
  • banana
  • one kind of berry and one kind of frozen fruit

If you like veggies:
The simply delicious carrot and celery sticks. Substitute in some pita chips or add some hummus!
 (hint: hummus is yummy. and healthy. and easy. and very "find-able". so: no excuse not to try it!)

If you like yogurt/ are like me and need an extra boost of calcium every day/ before working out:
Greek yogurt; try Chobani yogurt, or Brown Cow
Normal or Greek yogurt: depending on how hungry you are, pour the whole or half of the yogurt cup into a bowl. Then added granola or muesli, and almonds, hazelnuts, or walnuts. 
My favorite way to eat pomegranate Greek yogurt that's a bit bitter: add a few Ghiradelli chocolate chips! mmmm yummy.

una tortilla con queso. For the record I don't like cheese. I just like this because I do. Get a tortilla (actually get a good-tasting one because at a lot of stores they have super healthy ones that taste so bad you stop eating them and then feel really unhealthy) and sprinkle on a little mozzarella cheese. Then toast it in the toaster oven and remove it right before it bubbles. Let it cool a bit and add pepper flakes or nothing and enjoy!

When you want to treat yourself (and not feel so guilty after that you decide to never treat yourself again, which really just makes you binge):
FROYO!! (no elaboration necessary, except maybe: NEONA, yogurtland, Zenga, red mango........)
some almonds and a little square of chocolate
a piece of fruit and a popsicle

So, I hope this helps! And, just for laughs so you know what I'm saving you from in this post, here are two pictures for you to enjoy.

Hopefully, we'll find a happy balance between the two! Though the puppies are quite cute :) ...
We all make salads out of sundaes, right? Hello? I mean, what else can the nuts and cherries be for? Straight protein, daily fruit, and calcium all the way!

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