Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sleeping Beauty, Minus the... Sleep? YES!

            One of the charms of being a teenager, anyone who has a job, a mother, or anyone else is that we get to be tired much more frequently than we would otherwise! While we regard this as inevitable—and, often, the product of liberating personal choice (yes, I shall stay up until three in the morning to do homework and Facebook because I CAN)—looking like you’re a regretful member of the walking dead in the morning isn’t. Nothing’s going to steal back those six hours of sacrificed sleep, but there are plenty of tricks for looking like you got your personally prescribed amount of beauty sleep. And, hey! Don’t worry about it so much—it’ll just keep you up later, and then you’ll get even fewer zzz’s!

There are approximately a billion make-up tips to make you look awake. And as I’ve learned, many of them work—and some don’t. I learned that last year, when every day my friend came to school exhausted from a less restful night than anticipated, I proceeded to tell her—in what I truly thought was a kind manner—that she looked “so tired!” One day, she worked up the nerve—or, shall I say, the annoyance—to explain to me that it didn’t exactly help when I told her how tired she looked every day. So, if you aren’t interested in having that problem, some advice:

Find an eyeshadow color that is similar to your skin tone (the closer the match, the better) with a golden hue to it. This way, even if you’re dead tired, your eyes look brighter, shinier, and have a healthy, smooth, and upbeat look to them—without looking like you put any major make-up on! My favorite kind of eyeshadow that has a gold tint to use is a cream eyeshadow that can be applied in a light layer with your finger. 
Also, focus on skin. Aside from the notorious dark circles that start cropping up a month or so from now, be sure to devote attention to each part of your face that seems as sleepy as you feel. For example, I have a Laura Mercier toned moisturizer that I adore—it has SPF 20, comes in my skin tone (it’s not even the #1 fairest color—it’s #2!), and moisturizes. It’s like a triple-treat. So, apply your toned moisturizer to your dark circles, your T-zone, and any other areas that need a little perk up. But don’t mask up your whole face! For instance, it is okay to leave your chin and cheeks relatively un-toned! 
Then, if you would like, apply a bit of blush highlighting powder to over your eyebrows, over the bridge of your nose, and your cheekbones. Apply some NONCLUMPING mascara—not super heavily, but enough to make your eyelashes thicker and darker—and voila! An awakened face!

Here's a Yves St. Laurent golden cream eyeshadow--see? They exist!

I’m not a big fan of coffee, but I do know my teas! Among the many, one of my favorites for waking me up in the morning when I have a double class period of my least favorite class is Teavana’s White Ayurvedic Chai and Samurai Chai Mate mix. It’s delicious, smells very good, and wakes me up! I definitely recommend it!

When you’re trying so hard to wake up, good music always helps. Some personal favorites:
By Katy Perry: Last Friday Night, Hummingbird Heartbeat
By Lady Gaga: Bad Romance, Boys Boys Boys
From Wicked: Defying Gravity, One Short Day
From A Good Year: Gotta Get Up
From Slumdog Millionaire: Jai Ho
From Mulan (yes, the animated Mulan): I’ll Make a Man Out of You, A Girl Worth Fighting For

And don't forget: Dance!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Slippers have a way of making you feel comfy, happy, and fuzzy! So why not go all out when you're picking what fluffy footwear's gonna float your foot-sy boat?

If you're glamorous....

your slippers must have at least ONE of the following (Yes, this sounds like a multiple choice question): 

  • a flower (a BIG flower)
  • animal print
  • faux fur
  • something pink! Or red! Or gold!!


If you like puppies...

Try a pair with... puppies!!! There's something about a fluffy, furry dog smiling on your feet that makes a slipper... wonderful! A pair like this one, with puppies that aren't in black so that you can see the details and aren't in white so that you can't see certain details (dirt....), is a good way to go.

   If you still like puppies...

There were just so adorable... So soft-looking!

They're from an awesome website called BunnySlippers.com
True to its name, it has plenty of furry animal slippers, and they are adorable! I recommend checking out this site if you need some slippers, a gift, or a smile.

 If you love ducks...

In case you love ducks, LOOK AT THESE DUCKS. They are whitish, and yellowish, and really really cute with their big, happy beaks.  They should be good inspiration for you if you're looking for ducky slippers. There are also duck slippers out there--if you're curious--that take the liberty of giving you duck feet. Cute.

And when we think about how Cinderella seemed to get it perfect.... Or wonder how Barbie's heels were always so perfectly perfect....Don't worry about finding a perfect slipper--there's a special, glittery, perfectly-fitting one out there that's perfect for you!

Or, if you're like this one, you wear slippers on your terms, on any paws you can spare!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Inspired by a boy at my school...

We all love to be hypocrites sometimes.
I can't help it: I alternate between idolizing people and seeing right through them.
I'm fifty times more amazing than you'll ever know. And I don't care if you feel offended because I'm not convinced that it matters if you think to care.
I am unique.
I am an optimist with a cynical sense of humor.
Even if I don't know you, I know I care.
Their opinion counts for nothing--unless they're making the decision. Therefore if they're not like you don't waste yourself in changing for them.
I marvel at the way I see and think adn feel every day.
I'm not yet sure why I wanted to tell you, but I do know why I decided to: you should make a list of things--truths--like these. You don't have to show anyone. But read them and absorb them--see yourself, written on paper, though it represents so little. So see who you are--and live it.

For you.

He Said, She Said...

Do you ever have those awkward moments when somehow catches a snatch of your conversation, completely out of context, and decides-on the grounds of ten short, trivial words-that you are strange, or nice, or loony, or downright creppy?
It seems to be a trademark sign of being human: we can't help it, and our ears--regardless of how deaf we're becoming from blasting our Ipods too loud and standing by the speakers of too many concerts--just seem to perk up every time someone whispers or looks suspiciously like they are about to say something private. Half the time, whatever comment we snatch up is completely unimportant-- a one-sided telephone conversation, an order at a restaurant...-- but sometimes, it's just so downright hilarious, or awkward, or plain old out of context that it's nearly worth it to listen.
When I was little, a friend taught me about a fun game she'd discovered with her friends. To play, you listen to someone else's conversation and randomly pick out phrases they've said and repeat them, loudly, a moment later to your friend. For example:
Woman looking at clothes on a sale rack and speaking on the phone: "I can't believe they went there! I've wanted to go to Los Angeles with Laura for months. Did they see any celebrities?"
**a moment or so later**
You to a friend: "I can't believe you went to Los Angeles! And you said you saw celebrities??!!"
Most likely, the original woman you stole the lines from will shoot a frustrated glance in your direction. But, of course, you proceed to smile and talk with your friend about some perfectly mundane TV program, movie, song, or school assignment. Flawless. Unless, of course, you discover some scruples against eavesdropping.
Luckily (or unluckily, depending on whether or not you have found these scruples) I broke my eavesdropping habit. But it is true what they say: it's not nice to eavesdrop. But on accident--or not so accident, as we have all observed--it can be quite amusing to hear random bits of conversations.

A memorable example:
This weekend--  My parents and I were sitting in a cute French restaurant in Arizona. My dad launched into an account of an experience he'd had at a Navajo rug store when I spotted a man at the table next to us not-so-stealthily listening in on our conversation. He turned his head just as my dad said "so I saw these old ladies in the corner and started talking to them about their trade..." At the talking to old ladies part, the man's eyes widened and flicked back and forth and his mouth dropped open a tiny bit. He gave us another furtive glance, and tried, nonchalantly, to angle his head differently so he looked like he wasn't eavesdropping. Of course, this only made it more obvious! Then, our waiter returned with dessert. He had misheard us, and our little table was completely filled with three crepe souffles and three chocolate tortes. Delicious? Yes! Embarrassing? YES! For three of us, we found enough dessert for ten people. And we ate a lot of it. And the man saw it all!
And guess what??? I didn't care that he saw or heard. Not one bit.
The Message: Don't eavesdrop.
You don't tend to learn anything particularly useful (unless you're super good at it).
You look ridiculous.
But on the other hand, you make everyone else's day!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Consejos (advice) of Snacks

With school getting into the full swing of things, it's getting to be that time of year when we're rushed for time, crammed with work, and more than a little stressed out. Aside from the obvious advice of "Don't worry!", I have another little piece of advice for you: in the two and a half extra minutes a day it'll take you, make sure that you get snacks that are healthy and taste yummy. I consider myself a pro in terms of snacks because I'm one of those people who eats three meals a day, drinks a billion glasses of water, and eats upward of three snacks daily. So... Here are some snack ideas that'll do three amazing things: satisfy your sweet tooth/ salt tooth (is there such a thing?), help you keep your blood sugar fairly level so you'll be more productive and less stressed out, and provide a healthy supplement to your meals!

If you like fruit:
A banana

  • yogurt
  • OJ
  • banana
  • one kind of berry and one kind of frozen fruit

If you like veggies:
The simply delicious carrot and celery sticks. Substitute in some pita chips or add some hummus!
 (hint: hummus is yummy. and healthy. and easy. and very "find-able". so: no excuse not to try it!)

If you like yogurt/ are like me and need an extra boost of calcium every day/ before working out:
Greek yogurt; try Chobani yogurt, or Brown Cow
Normal or Greek yogurt: depending on how hungry you are, pour the whole or half of the yogurt cup into a bowl. Then added granola or muesli, and almonds, hazelnuts, or walnuts. 
My favorite way to eat pomegranate Greek yogurt that's a bit bitter: add a few Ghiradelli chocolate chips! mmmm yummy.

una tortilla con queso. For the record I don't like cheese. I just like this because I do. Get a tortilla (actually get a good-tasting one because at a lot of stores they have super healthy ones that taste so bad you stop eating them and then feel really unhealthy) and sprinkle on a little mozzarella cheese. Then toast it in the toaster oven and remove it right before it bubbles. Let it cool a bit and add pepper flakes or nothing and enjoy!

When you want to treat yourself (and not feel so guilty after that you decide to never treat yourself again, which really just makes you binge):
FROYO!! (no elaboration necessary, except maybe: NEONA, yogurtland, Zenga, red mango........)
some almonds and a little square of chocolate
a piece of fruit and a popsicle

So, I hope this helps! And, just for laughs so you know what I'm saving you from in this post, here are two pictures for you to enjoy.

Hopefully, we'll find a happy balance between the two! Though the puppies are quite cute :) ...
We all make salads out of sundaes, right? Hello? I mean, what else can the nuts and cherries be for? Straight protein, daily fruit, and calcium all the way!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Grandparents Day

In the average school day, the average student goes to all of his or her classes, is about thirty seconds late to at least one class, participates at least once in the class discussion, might misplace a pen for a few moments before finding it--right where he or she left it, I might add--and might ask a teacher a question after class. Today just wasn't one of those days. Perhaps that's because it wasn't the average school day, and I wasn't the average student. Today was Grandparents Day at my school. For my last four thirty-five minute classes,  my grandpa came with me and we were students together
And, I might add, throughout this half-day, I attended all my classes, was tardy to three of them, participated alternately with my Grandpa in nearly all of them, witnessed a conversation with a teacher that was of record-deserving length, and observed, rather forlornly, that a grandfather was lost.

I went down to the middle school and picked my grandpa up right before English class. Once we reached the classroom--which is in an underground hallway we all call "The Dungeon"-- class began and we started to discuss passages regarding poetry, what it means to be a parent, and--of course-- The Big Sleep. After making several excellent contributions to our class (Grandpa, I'm so proud of you!!) and passing me a delicious Baskin Robbins ice cream flavored candy, Grandpa and I got up to go. 
"I can see why you like this class so much," he told had me just five minutes into it.
I had insisted that Grandpa come to this class, because I had an inkling that he would like my teacher. And, yes, pay up! They got along great! Not only did they proceed to have the longest grandpa-teacher conversation in living history, but they also seem to agree on everything. They both, for some reason, wanted to go to the same literature college in NYC. And, of course, neither ever went. They got along so well that, after a brief summary of our family history, they'd agreed to get our family together and go out to breakfast. A "breakfast with fellows," I believe it will be called. I hope I get to go! This will be so very interesting!! 
Then, we arrived fifteen minutes late to my history class. And what did Grandpa proceed to do? He did nothing other than answer the teacher's questions with the exactly perfect answers. Answers so perfect, I might add, that the other students and I were looking at each other and scrunching our faces to keep ourselves from cracking up. This specific teacher has brought the class's special attention to the topics of rights, women's rights, and tolerance. And my Grandfather stopped nothing short of suggesting, in response to the question "in what areas do the central government and the state governments' powers intersect", "rights", "women's suffrage",  and "gay marriage". At one point I gave up my struggle and laughed out loud. It did help a little that everyone else was silently cackling also.
After this, we went to math class, where I saved us two seats--unfortunately in the front row, because we'd arrive late-- and then bolted out the door so we could use the bathrooms. Then, after that, Grandpa decided that he was thirsty. Since the water fountain wasn't working, we went to a student-run cafe/store in a common hang-out room and he bought me a Snapple and got San Pelligrino's version of lemon-Orangina for himself. Seven minutes late, we pushed into math with our drinks, interrupted the entire movie-watching process, and proudly disturbed the entire front row. I personally had to sit in front of a little grandma and grandpa the whole time and I hope my hair didn't block the Smart Board for them. 
Then right before French, my next class, Grandpa decided he wanted to get some fresh air. So, we went out the door and ended up taking a little walk to the sunny part of the lawns--or pelouse, I should say--before class. 
When we came back to the classroom, Grandpa confessed to me how he doesn't speak other languages.  Regardless of this, Grandpa still participated and we were a pair for the game of charades. We got the worst verbs to act out! I was horrified that we got to act out the verb "to undress". And he took off his belt. And I panicked and nearly yelled "put it back on!!!"  He eventually developed another strategy: he looked over the teacher's shoulder when she held out the cards (hidden from the guessers' view) that had the English and French version of what verb to act out. Of course, being the helpful soul he is, he'd drop hints about what the word was. The only problem was that I couldn't remember how to say any of them in French. Oopsies!
Now, I wouldn't want for you not to hear about the missing grandpa. I was in the library typing a chemistry lab when someone suddenly says to me "That boy forgot his Grandpa!" 
I looked around, unabashed, probably being super rude and gawking at the guy who'd left his poor grandpa alone while he went to study.
I found him sitting at a table, the man in question at his side. He'd left his grandpa near the entrance of the school--I'm still not sure exactly why he left his grandpa-- and had completely forgotten he was there. The boy then continued on to the library as if nothing had happened--for, according to his memory, apparently nothing had happened! A dean had to bring the grandpa along, looking for the boy, who then allowed his grandfather to witness a productive study hall session. My, my. Oh, how some people just tend to lose things... Poor grandpa! Who says forgetfulness comes with old age? Complete nonsense if you ask me!
And so I had a great Grandparents Day today! Even though my grandma stayed down in the middle school with my little cousin, Grandpa and I had a great time and rocked all our classes. A+, Grandpa!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kin Hubbard

Many of you probably haven't heard of Kin Hubbard. I hadn't, either, until a few hours ago. He was a cartoonist and journalist, known for his political cartoons, views, and humor. Even though he was born (GASP!) in the 19th century--1868, to be exact, which I really think is quite impressive--and his works were completed many decades ago, his humor and sense of things still holds true. Here are a few quotes of his that might make you laugh, or smile, or perhaps think of something in a different way. And some of them might make you think "Have I ever done that? Oh, why yes I have, how embarrassing... but yes, I'll probably do it again!"  Enjoy!

Being an optimist after you've got everything you want doesn't count.

Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.

Live so that you can at least get the benefit of the doubt.

No one can feel as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.

The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you.

There's no secret about success. Did you ever know a successful man who didn't tell you about it?

Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while.

A cartoon of his...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Let the Flowers Bloom

Today in my English class my teacher spoke a quote that I think everyone should think about once in a while. It's not one of those long ones that can be interpreted in twenty-five different contexts if you discuss it long enough, but it is one of those short ones that kind of make you want to smile and listen both at the same time. In fact, it's just five words.

Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom

It's just nice, isn't it? It's a little reminder to open your eyes and see all the flowers--not just the one right in front of you that's so bright it makes the sun seem faded. It also reminds me of a field of flowers, all wild, all beautiful, and all so perfectly blooming that it's a wonder you could pick one to be better than the rest. So, this is just some food for thought. 
Be sure to let a hundred flowers bloom.
And mull it over some if you will.
Maybe you'll learn something. Maybe you'll see something.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trivia Answers: Songs

Ok, so here are the answers to the two songs I posted a little while ago. 
Song 1: Last Friday Night by Katy Perry
Song 2: I'm a Believer by Smashmouth

Hope you liked these songs! More to come later...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Finger Glamour, Please! (I)

Everyone has his or her own sense of style. Perhaps you're into pink, or Nike, or goth or sequins or neon. One think you all have in common? Most likely, you wear rings. While I'm sure that you all are completely astounded by my incomparable knowledge, I urge you to actually think about it; nearly everyone, at one point or another, can find a finger to stick a ring on. It's a fun way to jazz up an outfit or, for those lazy-bums out there (and hey, I never tried to deny it) wearing a ring is an easy way to make a white T-shirt and old jeans look cute. So, naturally, it comes as no surprise that there are oodles and oodles of awesome rings out there, just waiting to get a chance to accessorize on your hand!
I personally am a lover of a diverse assortment of rings, and hopefully after this post you'll have some ideas of what styles are out there, where you can get them, and what you can pair 'em with!

I call this first type of ring the "Fun, Bright, Interesting" ring collection. The sort of ring that falls into this category is the ring that--you guessed it!--is bright, spot-able, and awesome. (Really, what else could it be?) :)  A favorite example of mine is a ring I bought when I went to NYC with my mother in the spring. We went into a store called Pylones in SoHo. It's one of those Japanese-y stores where they have cute, animated, adorable trinkets and teapots and basically really really cute pieces of junk you'll never use because it's too cute to actually risk damaging. You know the type. Anyway, Pylones has awesome rings! The ones we found have a silver-colored band, and then a face nearly the size and shape of a marble. It's basically part of a circle on the top, with a colored design on the bottom and a clear liquid filling the marble to really make the ring POP. I didn't know this until I researched the shop again to provide you, my darling readers, with the web information, but this ring collection is appropriately named POP ART RINGS: handy pop art. I think this is just so cute!

The second type of ring is more the "Artsy, Unique" ring assortment. I have a few of these, and one of my favorites is from Henri Bendel, also in NYC. It's pricier than Pylones, but it has an amazing selection of accessories and jewelry. We bought this cute bunny ring from there, and it's golden-colored and is a relatively tall ring. I've worn it many times, and it goes well with stretch pants or skinny jeans and a layered top of normal shirt. It's one of those things that's decidedly fall-winter-spring, and so it's great to wear when the weather's starting to get cold and, as you are going through withdrawal from the amazing array of skirts, shorts, and sun dresses of summer, you get slightly lazy in the accessory department and threaten to forget about them altogether. Their stack rings are also cool.

And finally, the glamour!! My top pick for this collection is a store we also discovered in SoHo in NYC. Be sure--absolutely sure!!--to stop by there if you're ever in NYC. It's called Tarina Tarantino, and is a wonderful small-room shop full of sparkly, glittery, unbelievably cute things. They have more than rings--the shop abounds with bracelets, necklaces, chains, watches, and even a headdress or two (no, I cannot say if anyone ever buys the headdresses...). For example, be sure to check out their Alice in Wonderland collection or their Hello Kitty collection--amazing!

Now, for the pictures....
Pylones Ring. I told you they're awesome! Can anyone guess which one I have?

Henri Bendel's Bow Ring, perfectly cute and chic.

Tarina Tarantino's Acid Cameo "OJI" Mood Ring

Tarina Tarantino's "Hello Hippie" Mood Ring.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these rings or brands/stores, here are the links provided below. Enjoy! :))

For Pylones: http://www.pylones-usa.com/pylones/product.php?product=453&category=4
For Henri Bendel:  http://www.henribendel.com/
For Tarina Tarantino:   http://www.tarinatarantino.com/index.asp

So, I hope you've enjoyed Finger Glamour, Please! (I) . Please comment with any questions or opinions regarding these rings!! :)