Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hot Cocoa Cookies

A few posts ago, I provided a list of Holiday Break I Spy (In case you missed it, click HERE). As I try my very best to practice what I preach, I took this list to heart and, a few days ago, was able to cross another of the list items off my to-do list: "a new kind of cookie baking in the oven".
I tried the Food Network's recipe for Hot Cocoa Cookies. They're delicious, and provide a fabulous excuse for purchasing a jar of marshmellow fluff, if you are one of those people who adores marshmellows, hot chocolate, or anything containing chocolate in general.
Click HERE for the link for the recipe to bake these delicious cookies.
If you do choose to bake them, I suggest two things: 1). add extra cocoa, and 2). make sure that you have a large chunk of time on your hands before baking; you must account for a large amount of time in which the dough must cool off in the fridge. Do NOT skimp on the fridge time, because this dough can be especially difficult to work with.
These cookies are absolutely delicious, though I must warn you that they crumble when eaten--so arm yourself with an expansive arsenal of napkins before attempting to consume them.
The magazine's image of the cookie.
My version of the cookie!
As you can see, these cookies are definitely do-able; as I was lacking a cookie-cutter while baking these treats, I had to substitute the top of a jar to use instead. Enjoy!

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