Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Spirit at Whole Foods

For all you holiday cookie-lovers out there, I am pleased to inform you that Whole Foods has now installed its wintertime holiday cookie bar. This delicious treat table is featured in many of Whole Foods' local stores, just in time to share the sweetness of the holiday season. You can find all of your favorite cookie delights, from coconut macaroons to chocolate marble cookies, on this wonderful display. I opted for their gingerbread cookies, which are accessorized with the label of "Gingerbread People," for they offer both gingerbread men and gingerbread women. These gingerbread people are just as delicious as they appear, and as my family and I discovered upon eating one such gingerbread person, the line from the movie Shrek of "Not the gumdrop buttons!" quickly comes to mind with these yummies near. 
With this cookie bar, Whole Foods once again feels very much like a local store, rather than a nation-wide groccery store chain. As you can see in the photo above, the cookie bar has little bags to place individual cookies in, or boxes for those of us with a larger shopping list or a smaller supply of self-control (or both!). Plus, the wax paper provided to safely select your own cookies simply makes you feel like a professional baker. The cookie bar is completed with one last snazzy contraption: a large spool of string connected to a rather ingenious-looking string-cutter, so that you may tie off your little bags of cookies with peppermint-swirl-colored string to keep them fresh and adorably preserved.
All cookies have the same per pound price, so feel free to mix and match your cookie sets as you'd like them! Have a delicious and very warm and happy start to your holiday season!

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