Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holiday Break I Spy

     I Spy is one of the world's classic games. So I except that you already know how to play. Given this assumption, I've invented a new version of I Spy, with a slight twist; the "spying" should no longer take three seconds. You have as much time as you'd like over the roughly two weeks that are coming up for everyone's various winter breaks. Enjoy this new game of Holiday Break I Spy, and play it by yourself, with a best friend, with a not-so-best friend, or with any assortment of family members and acquaintances around at the moment!

Holiday Break I Spy

Your mission--should you choose to accept it:
At one point or another, I challenge you to spy/find as many (or all!) of these things as you can! Once you find them, it is up to you what you do then (wink wink nudge nudge).

I Spy with my little eye

  • sunrise in a snowy world
  • a new kind of cookie baking in the oven
  • a collection of crafts supplies on the kitchen counter
  • cider heating on the stove
  • the very first footprints after it snows
  • decorated pine cones
  • three people dancing to corny Christmas music
  • that embarrassingly ugly sweater that's actually the comfiest thing in your closet
  • candles
  • a book that has nothing to do with vampires, robots, or any shade whatsoever of grey
  • bows
  • a camera, a smile, and at least two people
  • the Van Gogh exhibit at the art museum, or a coffee table book of art
  • a film that uses English subtitles
  • a throng of people who need someone to take a group shot
  • mashed potatoes
  • a letter to a family member
  • a doodle from ages ago that you somehow vaguely remember
  • a heap of blankets and a tower of pillows
  • a dog's leash (either that of your dog or that of a friend's)
  • flowers (believe me, they're out there somewhere)
  • the karaoke version of a song on YouTube
  • a bottle of bubble bath/body wash
  • wrapping paper
  • hugs and kisses!

Enjoy your game! Best of luck checking off the entire list.     :)

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