Tuesday, June 5, 2012

School's Out!


Here’s a graduation cupcake to quick-start your summer! Congratulations class of 2012! You’ve all had a great year and definitely deserve a lil’ diploma-wearing cupcake before you embark on your wonderful summer and college adventures. 
Have fun out there and stay wonderstruck. Don't forget the joy in all the small things, as well as the big. Live one minute at a time because one minute is all it takes to become truly happy. And smile at the things that scare you, because going out with a light and honest heart is so much braver and more meaningful than pretending that you aren't taking a risk at all. They say you only live once, so make the best of it. But I happen to believe that the things you truly love are things you can live over and over again. So find those things that make you the happiest and the most in love with life and you will never live to regret anything. Don't live in fear or doubt; live fully and happily and truly, because it is summertime, and because this is one of those things we all seem to want and need more than we realize. Finally, live how you want. No one else can live it for you. It's all up to you now, for now and always. Cheers.

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