Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Pants?

They always say that each New Year is full of surprises. This year has proven to be no exception!
However, it is important to note: this post is more about the USPS than the new year.
This fall, I learned that a girl I'd met at a tennis camp this summer had also gone to another camp where each state's delegation was given its own sweats outfit and pins to trade with the other state's sports teams  during the camp. However, we shared a problem: neither of us particularly cared for the exact design of our sweats. Naturally, we were lamenting the fashion choices of the designers on facebook and the epiphany hit us: a trade!
It was the perfect thing to trade; neither of us liked our sweats, neither of us wanted our sweats, and both of us wanted the other's! So it was arranged and we invented a facebook contract (not official, btw). We signed it: her "Uncle Sam Gone Wild" Philly sweats for my vintage (2009) Colorado sweats outfit. Perfection.
However, our greatest obstacle wasn't the many miles between our homes nor an unwillingness to part with the nostalgic outfits. It was the postal service.
It took three months!
Three months, four exchanges of addresses, many trips to USPS, a lot of address writing, a lot of note-writing, a lot of excited facebook chatting, and weeks of waiting. Worth it? Most likely yes! The end result? She has my pants. And shirt. But the postal service lost my delivery! GR
If anything, I've learned persistence from our goal. And even though her red, white, and blue striped pants are probably in some other confused girl named Jordan's bedroom (while she no doubt is wondering who her secret admirer is), my friend has my sweats! Not to be cliche, but I'm sure that our camp would be so proud to hear that our little camp community is still in touch (although we technically didn't even meet at that camp...) from across the country!
My friend got her New Year's surprise just in time for our holidays. Hopefully, USPS will hurry up with mine and I can wear the red, white, and blue striped pants before the fourth of July--you know, just to get in the festive spirit. :)
And although I'm complaining--no, I'm not a complainer, I'm just complaining, mind you-- it is incredibly exciting how we always manage to meet random (ha!) people from far away who have done so many of the same exact things as we have. And just think--you'd never know if you didn't ask!
P.S. It's true, I might just have to call those pants the traveling pants II. :P

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