Thursday, January 26, 2012

Daffodils on a Midwinter Afternoon

The other day I came home to a delightful surprise: my mother had put a bouquet of daffodils out in the kitchen!
Daffodils are one of our favorite flowers, no matter the season or the year. There is something about their wonderful, joyous, and cheery presence that makes them seem happy. Of course, they're ephemeral and last about four days on average--but even so, as I look at them right now, they're still the brightest, happiest, freshest part of our winter kitchen. 
As it is the 26th, January has hit its peak and we're now in the later half of midwinter: congratulations! The perky colors and full flowers of spring are on their way! And there's no harm in inviting springtime into our kitchens a few months early, is there? So grab a glass, a pair of garden clippers, and a handful of happy, cheery blooms at the grocery store and make a simple, refreshing arrangement before February comes. 
I promise you that their presence in the room where your family most likely eats, works, talks, and spends quite a lot of time will brighten and lighten up immediately. 
Our daffodils are on day 3, and still looking stunning. Something about winter's cold beauty makes the flowers look warmer and yellower still... And even if Colorado's weather system decides to cover up the grass for another month with a blanket of snow, we'll still have a crisp, wonderful flowers inside to make us smile. 
A virtual daffodil bouquet for you! :)

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