Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Benefits of Creativity

One of our greatest enemies is the army of magpies that comes for a lovely unwelcome visit every year. Every summer, the struggle moves to the fruit trees. We have five sour cherry trees in our yard. Right now, with all the red cherries, they're quite pretty, but the birds are doing all they can to ensure that the bright red cherries disappear as quickly as possible. So, a couple days ago, my parents began picking cherries as quickly as possible. As of two nights ago, there were over ten pounds of the little cherries in the refrigerator. The fact became undeniable: the cherries were taking over the kitchen! 
So, yesterday morning, my parents baked two cherry pies. However, they were faced with a challenge: how is one to bake a pie when the temperature is 97 degrees? 
My parents decided to bake the two pies differently; one was to be baked in the toaster/mini oven which was moved outside near the grill, and the other was baked on the barbecue!! 
So, I've now witnessed the outcome of our first barbecued pie. Not bad, actually.... despite the fact that my dad accidentally didn't check the pie when he took it out the first time and it forgot to cook (but don't worry after he put it back without the foil it cooked just fine!). A small piece of advice for any pie-grillers out there: don't put foil on the pie before it goes into the barbecue. 
So, we now have two pies, one barbecued, the other "toasted" outside. 
Then, my friend came over and we made two more pies--both of which were barbecued! They turned out deliciously, and ours has already disappeared...don't ask how... and I assume theirs is well on the way to the same end. In short, I don't think I'll ever have a case to plead for an oven-baked pie again. 
On the other hand, pies from the barbecue are just as good! So, for all of you bakers out there who are troubled by the hot weather predicament, not to worry! Just put on a hat and outdoor shoes and stick the pie in the barbecue. And, yes, we still set it to 350 degrees. 
Safe to say, now I love barbecue--not that I didn't before--because one can make dinner & dessert--the only dishes being pie tins/plates and silverware. Easy and yum :)

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