Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At Long Last

Tonight, I am going to see the final installment of the Harry Potter series. In honor of this monumental event (and no it's not any less monumental because of a five-day delay) I am dressing this post in Gryffindor colors. 
The world's nine-to-thirty-year-olds have been theorizing about this moment for months, and many of us have tried, with a most optimistic sense of stubbornness, to pretend it would never come. But it's not sad at all. My generation has grown up with a cast of wonderful, magical, and very familiar characters. 
I remember the year I was the proudest Hermione ever for Halloween. And yes, before you ask, I still keep my Griffindor tie hung on a hook in my closet, and earlier this morning I found my robes in an elegant heap on the floor. In fact, my Facebook profile picture is Hermione Granger at this very moment... Ahh I love Harry Potter and the magical world he inhabits with his equally magical and achingly loyal friends!
Perhaps it is the universal yearning for such good friends, magic, and adventure that has kept children and adults around the world engrossed, and devoted, to Harry Potter for nearly a decade. I personally know that I used to dream about living in the world of Harry Potter, and many mornings I would awake having lived an entire adventure with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 
I'm feeling slightly sentimental about the Harry Potter movies coming to an end, sniff sniff. But it seems, at least for me, a good place and time for it to end. When my parents and I were in England two weeks ago for a few days, we visited Oxford and I got to see the real-life Great Hall and entrance to Hogwarts! It was so cool, and the perfect poignant goodbye for a Harry Potter fan.
Also: I am SO READY to see this movie! While on one hand I really don't want it to end, I've been anticipating the final movie--Part II (I have a love-hate relationship with the idea of splitting the final book into two movies) --and simply can wait no longer! On our trip--which was tons of fun--we passed through many cities, towns, and by many advertisements on bus stops. I have had Harry Potter's (and Ron's and Hermione's) face looking at me in three countries!! And, yes, I noticed on our final evening in Barcelona that our hotel room--which had a spectacular view of the beach, city, and sea--also overlooked one last bus stop with the Harry Potter advertisement facing our room up on the 30th floor! 
Also, while I was in England, I read several articles in local and national newspapers about the Harry Potter phenomenon. So now, I'm all excited to go see it!! Woohoo! 
An interesting tidbit that I bet most of you didn't know: one of the Harry Potter themesongs uses lines from Shakespeare's Macbeth when Harry enters Hogwarts for the first time. It seems that the lines of witches doesn't change much through the centuries... You might recognize these lyrics:
Double, double toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble

 Mischief managed!

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