Friday, May 6, 2011

Rio, A MovieBook pondering...(I)

Jesse Eisenberg is a bird. An extremely intelligent blue macaw who is a self-proclaimed human's "companion", yes. But he's still a bird. With FEATHERS. See it in 3D and be prepared to laugh the entire time through. Once Mr. Eisenberg's human friend is convinced that he must go to South America and mate with the only other blue macaw left in the world, a hilarious feathery adventure begins to unfold in and around the one, the only--and YES you guessed it--Rio de Janeiro. 
See Rio if: 
A). you're one of those people who loves guys with nasally voices 
B). you can appreciate a rapper bird voiced by
C). you've been to Rio de Janeiro--chances are, you have photos of yourself in many of the places these macaws fly through.
D). you want to see a fantastic animated movie that makes you laugh and talk about it for a week afterward, and not to mention makes you really want to Google blue macaws. 

and if you're wondering why this post is written in blue, just see the movie....

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