Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! This is the one day a year that is reserved for thanking and being extra-sweet to our mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends, and other mothers in our lives. It's Sunday, May 8, 2011, and today is completely dedicated to our mothers! While today of course is to be filled with gifts of flowers, of mother's day brunches, and of our mothers telling us just what exactly she wants for her mother's day present (ie for me this is: "Jordan, since it's mother's day will you please pick up the dog poop?), don't forget to give that special mother in your life a hug and a kiss and a smile. And daughters and sons out there: don't forget! You are the reasons that your mother is celebrating today! So stop by her home, or write a letter, or make a phone call and blow over a kiss. Mothers out there: Happy Mother's Day!!! 
From all of the sons and daughters, WE LOVE YOU MOTHERS, xoxo, not to mention we're super thankful that we get you for our mothers. 
A special mother's day shout-out to my mother, my grandmothers, aunts, all the mothers in my life, and Tina Fey, who will soon be a mother of two and hosted a great SNL last night!

hearts, hugs, and kisses, mom!
Love, Jordan


  1. Great post! Look forward to more inspirational & educational posts from my favorite little prarie dog.

    Aunt Linda

  2. Thank you for reading my blog!! Maybe I'll write one about Tetulia Teas! :)

  3. Hello Jordan!
    Thank you for sending such sweet sentiments on Mother's Day. I am thrilled to be a part of your Blog and I love it.


