Friday, October 26, 2012


Every year in the fashion world, some designer or other tries to replace black. We've all heard the "brown is the new black" and "white is the new black" statements from top brand names. Some of us have even heard Galinda from Wicked proclaim that "black is the new pink"!
This year, THE NEW BLACK has a new meaning--nail polish! THE NEW BLACK is a nail polish brand stocked in places like Nordstrom and other make-up/polish-selling stores. This brand is revitalizing plain, simple color on nails by marketing packs of five mini polishes of similar colors. The set that I am wearing right now, for example (shown in this post), is a collection of purples, ranging from a deep, slightly sparkly dark hue to a mauve shade to a gentle, lilac-tinted pale color.
These five colors ensure that you'll never have to repeat the same shade on one hand.
This company's marketing strategy is clear: give people a fun, easy-to-apply color combination that is original and sophisticated... and they will buy it. Let me give you a hint: they totally hit the mark!
While you can opt for my approach and paint your nails in a dark-to-light transition of the five polishes, you can also mix up the patterns or choose just one or a few of the polishes to make your own unique look.
In the nail polish world, THE NEW BLACK literally has great potential for becoming the new "black"--the new standard, always hot, always classy look--because the nature of these collections make them as versatile as anyone's little black dress. And, just to reinforce the adorable quality of the size of these polishes, THE NEW BLACK is fun sized (fun sized as in tiny and small enough to take an entire set on board an airplane).
Be sure to try out this new nail trend of different colored nails using THE NEW BLACK's product or even a mix of your own favorites--just make sure to have either complimentary or similar colors or different shades of the same color for each nail.
Happy painting!

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