Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Secret to Weight-Sustainable Cookies

Do you ever wish that the cookies you bake wouldn't make you gain any weight? While I'm sure that we all whip up some completely non-fat, sugarless, 0-calorie cookies every now and then (because we all know that homemade chocolate chip cookies are pure health food!), I promise that this trick for making weight-sustainable cookies will rock your snacking world forever.

So, what is this trick, you ask? It's a little something I just discovered, called the Kitchen Cookie Workout.

For every batch of ~36 chocolate chip cookies that you make, be sure to complete this series of exercises to ensure that your cookies are 100% weight-sustainable:

3 squats holding the electric mixer (2 reps)
One set of opening and closing a heavy oven (3 reps)
2 side-body/oblique stretches achieved by reaching for vanilla extract on a high shelf (2 reps)
Strength-building for each upper arm by reaching for heavy plates on a high shelf (3 reps)
Bicep-intense dough-scooping to create cookies (~36 reps)
2 lunges from the timer to the oven (hopefully only 3 reps as a maximum)

Also, be sure to keep your abs engaged for the entire baking session.

Now, when you nosh on those delicious cookies that you've baked, you don't have to feel an ounce of guilt (or see an ounce of new body weight) because you have make 100% weight-sustainable cookies. Be sure to spread the word to any health nuts you know who's quality of life would be drastically improved by this new, scientifically proven method of weight maintenance.

Also, as proof, I have tried this strategy myself--beginning an hour and a half ago--and have, so far, gained no weight. I will write a follow-up post if I discover this technique to be obselete, but judging by the statistics, it is fail-proof and guilt free!

So enjoy those cookies!  :)

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