Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Notable Notebook

I love to write, and so, naturally, over the years my mother and I have accumulated a lot of notebooks. Since I'm in the lovely process of cleaning my room (yes, I'm drawing it out even further but only because we keep happening to go out of town and need to unpack and repack a lot which of course just takes up all the time I would spend cleaning my room...), I've been rediscovering a lot of things that have disappeared for a little while into drawers and cabinets. I've found a lot of notebooks :) :)  , and some of the coolest ones I've found are by a man named Jordi Labanda. I have a ton of these little notebooks! They are all in the same style--about four-and-a-half inches wide and six inches tall, with an extremely fashionably dressed woman on the cover and the name JORDI  LABANDA written near the bottom. He's from Uruguay and now lives in Barcelona, so if you check out his website, you can read it in either English or Spanish! Good way to practice! Plus, this is just more evidence that Spain has EXCELLENT fashion sense. I realize that my notebooks are older than the ones that you can buy now, but the current ones are still super cute! These notebooks can always brighten your day, make you smile, give you fashion inspiration, or help you write better! Here are a few pictures. 
Aren't they cute??
:) :)

Plus, they have address books, folders, and more notebooks! Look for more notebooks or info by Googling "Jordi Labanda" or checking out MiquelRius.

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