Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On Lincoln and Thanksgiving

As Thanksgiving rapidly approaches, we must all take time to think on what we are thankful for. It is not something to be proud of that we must have a day during which we consciously express our gratitude; gratitude and thankfulness should, of course, be expressed all year round. But as Thanksgiving is in fact a reality, it would do only further harm to our consciences if we were to not take it seriously.
            We all have many things to be thankful for. Often, we do not realize the wonderful things we have until they are taken from us, but if we are aware of the miracles and wonders that are a part of our daily lives, routines, and thoughts, we won’t have to wait for our blessings to be taken away for us to realize the gifts we have been given.
            If you find yourself at a bit of a standstill in your efforts to acknowledge the thankfulness that I promise is within you somewhere, perhaps these quotes from the new movie Lincoln will help prompt your mind to remember all the things in your life that are worth smiling for.

  “Abolishing slavery settles the fate for all coming time, not only of the millions in bondage but of unborn millions to come. Shall we stop this bleeding?”

“We are stepped out upon the world stage now, with the fate of human dignity in our hands.”
         —Abraham Lincoln in LINCOLN

            Are we not thankful that brave men such as Abraham Lincoln had the courage and strength of heart to adjust the social and moral fate of our country forever? Are we not thankful that, despite the formidable opposition that any revolutionary faces, our heroes are fierce and unyielding even as they make terrible sacrifices? Are we not thankful that due to one man’s powerful words and will, and countless others’ support and work, a grave atrocity in our country was corrected? Imagine what life would be like without equality as a true guiding political principle. Imagine the price that a country and a world of individuals have paid in the past when they are stripped bare of their natural dignity.
            On a lighter note, we must also be thankful for Daniel Day-Lewis and his costars’ terrific acting performances in Lincoln. If you have not yet seen this new movie, be sure to watch it when you have the chance. I, personally, am thankful that I was able to hear Day-Lewis’ version of Lincoln speak. This man’s eloquence, temperament, and intensely perceptive mind are beyond admirable.
            Abraham Lincoln had the fate of human dignity in his hands when he supported the death of slavery. In our daily lives, it’s easy to think that we and the people around us do not hold the same degree of power over humanity as a whole. Honestly, most people do not. We do, however, have the power to influence how others view themselves and the things around them. We constantly impact everything around us. It can be difficult to realize in the heat of the moment, but tone of voice, body language, and even silence have significant effects on what goes on around us. This Thanksgiving, be aware of this reality. Know that you have the ability to make something better for someone. Be thankful that you are aware of this wonderful power of yours. Know that the people around you might not be aware of this—and be thankful that you can help them see their own importance.

Here’s an example starter list to help you remember the joyous and the bittersweet things for which you feel gratitude.

I am grateful…
  • ·      For a loving mother and father
  • ·      For two wonderful dogs that remind me that there is always something to love, even after a ridiculously long day
  • ·      For the marvelous invention called The Weekend, during which we may sleep in
  • ·      For books and my imagination, because they remind me that anywhere, at any time, there are infinite worlds and people and places just waiting to be discovered
  • ·      For friends who not only laugh with me but laugh at me
  • ·      For Jane Austen, because she never fails to make me laugh
  • ·      For artists like Degas, emotions like love, institutions such as charities, temples like Ta Prohm, and phenomena such as a sunset that prove that true beauty is eternal

At the time right before you go to bed, at the moment you awake in the morning, or at any free point in your day, spare a thought for the things you are grateful for. Feeling gratitude is no weakness. Awareness of the things that you are thankful for is an amazing ability that you should cherish. Just remember that when we are conscious and sincere, it is so much easier to love.

Thank you,

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