Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Goals and Perspective

It's getting to be that time of year again-- the time when we return to school, buckle down in the workplace, and allow the to-do lists to grow faster than a bamboo plant (they can grow up to three feet a day!--and yes, we've all written THAT MANY lists). But before the chaos or the joyride (however you want to look at it) begins, it's always helpful to take a moment and step back and reorganize our priorities and goals for the year.
I know that for every one of your, your list of things that matter most and your aspirations in those areas are unique to you. However, the amazing thing is that all of us have more goals in common than we know--and we'll never ever know that until we take a risk and share them. The list of goals in this post apply directly to me and the roles that I play in my life, but hey, you might be surprised! They might even be completely relevant to you and your dreams, too!

Devote 100% of my effort when I'm working on something or participating in a class, activity, or conversatsion.
Be aware of the effect my mood, energy, presence, and contributions can have on a conversation or a room.
Be efficient and committed to getting work done that must be done.
Focus on one thing at a time as much as possible.
Have trust in the things that I truly believe in and the people who I know can grow.
Be both fearless and conscious with honesty.
Always have a smile around somewhere to pull out when I need it most.
Remember that anyone can have anything happen to them or feel anything about anyone or anything at all--and that without actively using this knowledge, I can't truly understand a single thing about a single person.
Take a moment to think about something I do not understand.
Keep my shoulders back and chin up.
Don't let anyone take away my love for the innocence and goodness in my heart.
Be a positive influence.
Have respect and confidence in my ability to act first or take a risk that will help someone else.
Take a deep breath and consider before reacting meanly or severely to someone.
Be unafraid to be "for" something instead of "against" something else.
Have patience.
Commit to good results and never give up on what I know I can accomplish.
Dance! Smile! Wink! Jump! Think! Read! Write! Draw! Hug! Sing!
Stay in touch--with me.
Believe in the wonderful and happy things that people regard as imaginary happy endings--because even existing in my mind's eye is real enough for me. Don't you give your mind any credit at all?
Have a depth of character so that I can speak--with either pride or awareness--about the things I do.
Make wishes and continue dreaming, for always. The world needs more of those.
Brave the barbs and hard things when the rose at the end of the way is worth it.
Treat myself to music, love, or anything else that makes me smile.
Give happiness and goodness high priority--because I know that I'm happiest and feel best when the things I do are good and are done well.

This might not seem like a comprehensive list of important things for your entire spirit--and it is most likely insufficient for mine as well. But it is a starting point, and in a sense that matters more than the content in itself. The effort, the caring, the personal investment, and the clarity that comes when you let yourself see all the things you want to be--no matter how hard or strange they may seem---is always worth it. It doesn't just show other people who you hope to be and what you believe yourself capable of; it makes it a reality for you, too. Now, these thoughts aren't just buried in a corner of your mind that you nicknamed your subconscious. They're literal, they're carefully phrased, and they are out there for your eyes to see and take in again. 
So wish me luck with following this bit of a mission statement--and good luck with yours.

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