Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summer Buggin'

Summertime is the time for mosquitos, wasps, centipedes, and all sorts of other creepy crawlers that we could easily do without. However, the summer is also the perfect time for other bugs, as well. The best part is that it is super convenient to influence what kind of bugs you're going to be finding in your yard this summer--and the "good" bugs are much easier to have around than you think.

Lady Bugs
Lady Bugs are safe, adorable, and helpful bugs that can be purchased in bulk either online in at a gardening store near you. Among other pests and insects, lady bugs will eat aphids, who are the culprits for any munched-through green leaves you might find in your garden. Click here for a link to buy 4,500 lady bugs for your yard!! Many of them will fly away, but you will see positive results in your garden AND have a few familiar Ladies around to stay. 

As a project, butterflies can be purchased (usually in two's and three's) as caterpillars that you raise indoors for up a few months. Once they've matured, you can release them into your garden and watch them flutter away! And maybe even stay :)
Another trick to getting butterflies is having milkweed grow in your garden. As it sounds, it is a sort of "weed", though it can be difficult to cultivate. Milkweeds attract butterflies naturally--they're a source of delicious goodness for those pretty fliers--and aren't even terribly unattractive themselves.

Praying Mantis
This type of insect isn't exactly a looker, but they're sure useful. For anyone who's had a problem with the Japanese beetle, a praying mantis is a predator to those evil bugs, so having some around the house can't hurt if you have a beetle problem. You purchase them with their nests (handle very carefully) and will hopefully have positive, beetle-reducing results soon!

So best of luck with your summer buggin' this year! Don't forget that these bugs are helpful and should be a welcome addition to any garden that wants to be healthy and lovely!

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