Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Perfect Parking Job

It's amazing how happy little things can make us. Big things can make us happy, too, but the little things--as I mentioned in my post The Pink Poodle-- can make us happy as well. It's important that we don't forget all the little ways and little things that make us happy--not only are they easier than the big things, but they're simply more fun, as well! Plus, they usually don't take much effort (Key word: usually).
The other day I discovered a new such little thing. I got my license in September, and parking has been...well...interesting. However, something amazing happened! I parked PERFECTLY!!! It was so exciting I took a picture, and made my friends look at it, and texted it to my parents.... Yes, you get the picture; it was a very big, very exciting, very happy event! And it reminded me of something very important: even if you go to a dance or a party or some long-planned event or elite social and have fun there, almost nothing can compare to the feeling of spontaneously doing something just right. You can't plan something to be perfect, just as I can't park perfectly on demand (or nearly ever, really). But when it goes just perfectly (when you're with friends and just have the time of your life without even doing anything--we've all had that moment) without planning, motive, or stress, it's one of the most wonderful things in the world.
Maybe I'm just being dramatic because I'm still super-excited about driving and having a car--Who knows?! But I do know that it's true, and that even if I'm reacting out of some innate aspiration to be a perfect driver, parking perfectly that one time was the best thing that could have happened at that moment. And it never hurts to be reminded of the amazing things that happen by accident.
After all, I believe it is well debated if good things always happen on purpose (no, don't feel guilty :P ).

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