Tuesday, October 2, 2012


In the movie Mean Girls, Lindsay Lohan thinks to herself "I used to think there was just fat and skinny. But apparently there's a lot of things that can be wrong on your body." Despite the significant nature of this quote, Lindsay--or should I say Cady--hits on a topic that is also true for M&M's: variety.
Cady used to think that girls could just be fat or skinny--opposites of a spectrum. Most people view M&M's the same way; we think M&M's, or peanut M&M's. As Cady would say, however, there's a lot of different kinds of M&M's out there waiting to be discovered and/or enjoyed.

That's NUTS!

Peanut M&M's are a classic. For people with peanut allergies, there are fewer things more painful than watching a group of friends devour a mega-pack of peanut M&M's without being able to partake in their nutty pleasures. Alas, my fellow peanut-evaders, we are saved from this predicament! 
Almond M&M's have a similar, though distinctly almong-shaped (pardon my ingenious pun) form to peanut M&M's, but are allergy-friendly and most likely have better nutritional information than their classic counterparts. Speaking with complete honestly, I ate nearly a bag of these this weekend and barely felt guilty; almonds have protein and healthy fats, and chocolate is good for you, right? :)
Plus, these treats can qualify as being slightly better than your go-to sugary candy.

Come to the DARK side... we have...M&M's!

There is no special name for normal M&M's; they are simply M&M's. However, I would like to make the claim that the normal version of these delicious candies can best be described as being colorful milk chocolates. That being said, there are also dark chocolate M&M's for those of us looking for a more intense flavor (or just cool purple packaging). While I personally am not 100% blown away by this variation, this option is great if you're looking to feel a bit healthier while getting your chocolate fix for the day, or if you simply wish to mix the flavors up! 

Itsa dessert-and-snack-in-one. Say What?

First off, the packaging for Pretzel M&M's wins the prize for more adorable. In case you missed the commercials advertising these tasty bites when they debuted a few years ago, a large M&M goes to get an x-ray and discovers his insides to be a pretzel. Thus, the preztel M&M was born (and apparently had medical insurance). Pretzel M&M's are even easier to justify as snack food than almond M&M's; after all, their perfect combo of salty and sweet covers all the necessary bases of delicious, nosh-worthy treats. Plus, as you shall discover with their almond counterparts, there is something about eating a round M&M that is bizarrely more exciting than always having the flat ones. If this statement confuses you, just try me and try them!

One-of-a-kind. Like YOU!

In case you feel the desire to go out there into the big wide world and create your very own M&M's, click here to explore the 25 colors and awesome options you have when customizing these candies to be how you like them. You can personalize the normal chocolate candies to have whatever photograph, cartoon, phrase, or little doodle on them that you would like. There are few things more amusing than fiddling with the color combinations and sentiments on the M&M's to find the perfect set for your party or party favors! Helpful hint: from personal experience, my mother and I discovered that dark pink, dark green, and white make a fabulous combo! Also, if you are celebrating a holiday, rite-of-passage, wedding, birthday, anniversary, etc.... I recommend ordering the M&M's in two or three different styles: one with a date and one with "Congrats!", "Mazel Tov", etc.

It seems Cady was on to something after all. Since when are there only two types of M&M's? Or people, for that matter. So...

Happy M&M-ing! And remember, there's no shame in a little chocolate now and then. You know what they say! Chocolate is the food of the heart.  :)

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