Sunday, September 16, 2012

Aspen Promise

    It’s high season for the aspen trees! Make sure to get some time in the sun to appreciate this natural treasure of Coloradan beauty. The sun is still warm and the skies are still blue; the leaves and the music are waiting for you!
     Autumn is a time of singing and cheering and dancing. Smile at the leaves as they dance and glitter for you. Walk or run among the trees as they quiver and make their slivery, aerial sounds. Lay on the grass without worrying about the leaves and sticks that will immerse themselves in your hair; feel only the sunshine kissing your face, the ground warm and steady beneath your back, and the way your heart sings for this easy, thankful reprieve from stress and walls. Admire each piece of nature, for only together do these pieces converge and surround you with peace, love, and consistent, calm fluctuation. 
     At the very moment when you do this, the trees alone frame your world, their leaves dancing and trembling with the joy of wind and seasons and life, making you more. You cannot feel it, but their roots are a tangled web beneath you. The aspen trees caress you with their fluttery leaves, and cocoon you with their roots, branches, and white trunks. These trees give so much, whether we see it or not. Do not let this shard of beauty slip from your fingers unloved, because this fall tradition—the tradition of abundant happiness and color—is the one of the truest things we can learn to love and give.

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