Monday, October 3, 2011

Let the Flowers Bloom

Today in my English class my teacher spoke a quote that I think everyone should think about once in a while. It's not one of those long ones that can be interpreted in twenty-five different contexts if you discuss it long enough, but it is one of those short ones that kind of make you want to smile and listen both at the same time. In fact, it's just five words.

Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom

It's just nice, isn't it? It's a little reminder to open your eyes and see all the flowers--not just the one right in front of you that's so bright it makes the sun seem faded. It also reminds me of a field of flowers, all wild, all beautiful, and all so perfectly blooming that it's a wonder you could pick one to be better than the rest. So, this is just some food for thought. 
Be sure to let a hundred flowers bloom.
And mull it over some if you will.
Maybe you'll learn something. Maybe you'll see something.

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